New community council has Story/Lore section

They can kick them off the council if they say racist things, though.


they could do that…but for what? he didn´t broke any role in the forum…and a judgement out of context is highly uncomfortable for me personaly, because i don´t know what was spoken before and thereafter.

Are people still complaining about black people in Stormwind? I guess they didn’t pay attention to lore put into place at minimum five years prior to the customization revamp, huh?

Oh to live life as a malicious contrarian…


i think…in my personal opinion…i would have liked to get a spot for the black people aswell as a present in stormwind. i mean, like a subculture from another place…with difference pov to seperate them from the other humankingdoms…but this is my personal opinion^^

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That isn’t the lore and would have resulted in retcons explaining an entirely new cultural subset of humans being written by mostly white guys. The lore they made for it was surprisingly seamless and worked well with existing stuff.

Anyone who is surprised at black humans in the game apparently hadn’t developed their brains enough in Vanilla to notice the League of Arathor NPCs in capitals were all black. Or their memories can’t generate long term so they forgot that before the model updates in WoD humans not only had a much darker skin tone available, but a face that was meant to be Asian in aesthetic.

Go look on Classic if you want, but they didn’t/don’t need to make some sort of brand new kingdom from nowhere to justify racial diversity. The lore is there, it works fine, and has been there since March 15, 2016, when Chronicle Volume 1 launched.


Everything involving High King and the stranglehold Stormwind has on the Alliance narrative. Also bring back the Conjurers of Stormwind and the Brotherhood of the Horse so that the nation can have some culture besides the bland, boring good guys who never do anything wrong who are always the main leader. The Alliance as a faction has the depth of a puddle, and it only appeals to one type of player.

I agree with everything here. Continuity is a big problem in the universe as of late.

I feel like this is due to the game moving to a character-arc medium. Instead of the “World” of warcraft being the main character, its the backdrop of a character story arc similar to a comic book. We the main character are always at the center of everything big. I think the new players’ Island was a good example of this.

See also: Tyrande, Jaina, and Anduin. For once they focus too much on those characters. ESPECIALLY Anduin and Jaina. Honestly Tyrande’s arcs since Mists has me convinced there’s a lot of disdain or even hate for her in Blizzard. Meanwhile, the Horde loses characters left and right and new ones just… exist.


I don’t think the casual player is going to be beating those bosses anytime remotely close to World Firsts. I can see how going in completely blind with not even a hint of what the boss does could be fun. The journal unlocks when World First is achieved. Casual players still get all the cinematics and stories of the fight.


There is plenty of culture. The Church of the Holy Light, the Silver Hand, imported Dalaran magical traditions, the House of Nobles, the dynastic traditions, the intermingling of cultures following the Third War, internal politics, the cultural and emotional fallout of Lordaeron’s fall, etc

The trouble is that half of these are relegated to neutrality and the rest aren’t explored at all. In books you get little itty bitty snippets sometimes (like Terenas’ crown, the Church Bell, Benedictus’ crisis of faith, etc) but very little in game


You’re right, but I’m highly skeptical that Blizzard will change. My guess about their complete lack of concern about the story/world’s integrity is because they want total freedom to create future expansions. This is absolutely conjecture, but I wouldn’t be surprised if years ago, some guy had an expansion idea and Metzen shot it down because it contradicted already established lore. Now that all the old guard is gone and the newbies are in charge, they’ve made it so that can never happen again. Got an idea that’s totally rad and metal? Awesome! Go for it! We’ll just throw out some retcons and make it all good!

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Blizzard has done that in the past for some bosses. Ra-den in Throne of Thunder doesn’t have his mechanics listed in the dungeon journal. Meanwhile certain bosses with mythic only phases have that phase hidden from the journal as well. I mean Garrosh doesn’t have his dream world listed. Mar’gok has no mention of the AU Cho’gall phase. Gul’dan doesn’t have the Demon Within listed. Argus doesn’t have the empowered by Sargeras phase shown. N’zoth doesn’t have the “world soul chamber under attack” phase described in detail etc.

It does feel like the upcoming raid was 2 raids put together. The main raid is bosses 1-8 (8th being Anduin) and a mini raid afterwards which are bosses 9-11 (11th being Uncle Z and his nipples).

Part of me wants to see more bosses with mythic only phases (but have that listed in the dungeon journal). I mean Beastlord in BRF is the only non end of raid boss to have an extra phase on mythic. That being Faultline. However you could argue that Faultline is still part of “phase 1” which is the phase where he jumps onto the animals.

The guy who made the Discord with racists got kicked off the Council.



I haven’t been clicking on the Council Page itself, much. To quote Thalyssra, it feels too walled off and cloistered. But the slow drip of chaos it is causing would make a Warlock blush.

I don’t know the details. I don’t think I ever will. From reading the Plebeian Forums - the Forum for us non councilors to express opinions - it seems like more pointless and avoidable drama Blizzard stepped into.


Uhh? How do you know it?

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People on the council have “WoW Community Council” next to their achievement score, and the poster no longer does.


I think just this alone would be a big boon and bring back some of the old school Human/WC3 feel that has been MIA for like a decade or longer. For whatever reason, they’ve really gone out of their way to ignore Alliance Paladins & have them do nothing. Especially the Knights of the Silver Hand. It’s really bizarre to me especially how far back that Knighthood goes and its importance to the Alliance. Especially since Paladins have always been the iconic Alliance class.

And honestly this even applies to the Draenei Paladins a bit too. Maraad was pretty much irrelevant ingame then as soon as he got some spotlight and was cool they killed him off in a like 3 v 1 fight leaving the Alliance without any paladin representation yet again lol.

I’m happy we have Turalyon back. And i’m happy the Silver Hand played a part in retaking Stromgarde, but honestly it’s still very lackluster in terms of representation. I would like to see more from them playing a bigger role in the Alliance story. It would be nice to have at least a small handful of named Silver Hand Knights who show up to do stuff in the story and narrative.


I’m kinda late to the council drama from yesterday, so I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet.

Being so blatantly transphobic is unacceptable and people who bully others should not be on the council.


This makes me so disheartened. They could have used this council as a way to change, instead it’s just full of toxic men, just like Blizzard.

I don’t know why I expected anything different.


the council was a bad idea from the get go. There was no way the council could’ve improved anything in the first place.

Blizzard could’ve improved if they started listening to the feedback of all the players, not just the feedback of 100 cherry picked people.


Are you really suprised though? A toxic company picked a bunch of toxic dude bros, I’m not that shocked. As ethriel pointed out blizz gets enough feedback if they would just listen to us


This entire council must be purged!