I really don’t like it. It’s busy. It doesn’t fit the warrior aesthetic. Random as* sparkling weapons smashing the ground. I kinda want it reverted or at least give us a glyph that removes the effect. Trying to fight people in pvp and then my toon does an Elsa like twirl. It looks so out of place compared to the other war abilities. There was no need for this.
Colossus Smash has a fine animation now - It’s just a jump slash.
You’re talking about Warbreaker which still looks like a sack of dog vomit.
Well I’m also talking about the color effects on Colossus smash which they both have. i tested both but yeah Warbreaker is the worst one.
yeah looks terrible.
For warbreaker it’s so unsatisfying. You don’t even get to finish the animation where it actually slams the floor. Just a random twirl.
It almost makes me not wanna play Warrior anymore XD
I mean, I’m always going to play warrior, but I can’t forgive the spinning.
Why is my brutal Colossus warrior TWIRLING?
what? you don’t like ballerina warrior?
it looks like something you’d expect of a sailor moon character. i really hate it
also for some reason mortal strike lost its impact sound? i reported it as a bug but given the state of warbreaker it might just be the new sound effect
They need to stop updating animations that don’t need updating…
I feel like Blizzard has hired so many people that are desperate to work on something and just work on something for the sake of it. The Victory Rush animation update was awesome at first but once you realize how often it prrocs and you take in account all the other animations…Why even update it? That skull just becomes annoying… The simpler the better… We are warriors ffs.
Stop listening to Reddit babies crying about Warrior animations. You don’t have to ruin them.
I play Warrior because I hate flashing stuff around my character. I I love in Classic just seeing a bit crit is enough for an animation. I don’t need sparks and imaginary swords around me. This isn’t Final Fantasy 14… Stop hiring FF14 nerds.
While I agree with you that Warriors should tend to stick to the following aspects of accentuating slashes/weapon trails and in addition the fallout from those physical feats of strength in earth shattering or wind pressure effects saying crap animations made recently by the dev team come from a FF14 comparison standpoint is disingenuous and generally incorrect.
There is only one job that ‘summons’ a weapon, which is Paladin and it’s at a sort of cooldown defining burst window which is on brand for their lore as Holy Knights. Every single other Melee job both Tank/DPS focus entirely on accentuating their weapon trails and adding in elements on brand for their ingame fantasies with Samurai’s having elemental affinity towards Snow/Moon/Flower aesthetics around it’s Sen system, then by comparison Dark Knights have darkness aesthetics added to their slashes, Warriors have a focus on earth shattering aesthetics etc.
These awful animations come from them not setting a basic premise of what the class fantasy is or any guidance to their art team. While this can stifle creativity, it can also stop awfully misguided attempts at someone making animations or art that is not even on brand with the Warcraft Warrior style.
Imo on this one, honestly they need to get rid of their attachment to race specific stances and bring in an option (in say the barber shop) where players can pick a stance of how they would hold their weapons in “combat ready” so they can have a much better animation flow / properly add in dynamic follow up animations to provide a better overall natural flow to combat.
The way some races hold 2h weapons be it their Sword/Axe/Mace stance or their Polearm/Staff stances as they are right now don’t flow well.
Something like Ox Guard/Longpoint Guards for Swords as options to choose from stance wise.
Axes/Maces changed so players hold them with their hands at a further distance on the axe/mace shaft so there is some actual momentum and use of the counterweight that such weapons would provide.
Polearms/Staffs held similar ways in focusing on momentum/stabs with the sharp/blunt end and sweeping animations showing the reach these weapons have over Swords/Axes/Maces.
Sure it would remove some of the awful combat ready stances some races have set-up and would remove race specific combat animations but some of those race animations can be repurposed as attack specific animations but the bad ones would definitely not be missed.
They did confirm during the PTR that they will be updated again in the future. But for some reason they didn’t just scrap these new ones and actually went live with them. So we’re forced to put up the appalling warbreaker for an unknown amount of time.
This wasn’t because of reddit. I saw plenty of comments on the wow subreddit from people who hate these new animations. Almost no one seems to be ok with them. It’s honestly one of the most unified responses I’ve ever seen from the wow community!
They really don’t seem to get the whole warrior class fantasy. It’s not about bright shiny animations. It’s about power and strength. Impactful animations and sounds. Brute force, not being flashy.