New Class Idea: Dark Paladin/Void Paladin

I saw another post similiar to this one.

Void Knight Discussion (And why it will never work) - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

My issue is though is that people seem to think DKs and Void Knights are the same which is totally false. Death Knights literally have everything to do with Death, Blood, Skeletons, Undead, Demons. Where as Void Knights would literally use void magic or dark matter energy from the cosmos if you will. Completely opposite. But I do agree however that basically Death Knights are the same as Dark Paladins, also Paladin in the name is a warrior of light, so I get that, Paladin won’t work in the name. So we could just call them Void Knights that uses void magic/energy and not death and undead magic. It would fit so perfectly into the lore it’s almost a sin not to make it fit. I get it would be hard to implement a whole new class, but I feel like it’s about time we had a new class. So no Dark Paladins, but instead Void Knights. I just don’t like DKs or Warlocks or the Undead race because that’s just me. There is already to much Undead, Fel Energy, Frost magic, Blood magic, Death spells, unholy spells, skeletons, etc. as it is. There should a be dark energy or void energy/cosmic energy now.