New Class Idea: Dark Paladin/Void Paladin

Just an idea I had for quite a long time even before Void Elfs came out. It would be awesome to have a Dark Paladin or Void Paladin as a new class. A Paladin that uses Dark/Comsic energy like Void Elfs do, but they wouldn’t really be considered evil if you will like a Warlock or Death Knight. Using the dark cosmic energy for good, kind of like the Void Elfs. I guess you could call them a Void Knight. I know that maybe some of you would say well Death Knights or Warlocks or Demon Hunters or Shadow Priests kind of have the same thing going on, but in my own opinion, not really, maybe similar in some aspects, but what I mean is to use spells similar to that of void energy or cosmic energy if you will. Maybe also like the Balance Druids, but also with void energy. Warlocks have spells that uses curses and uses demons. Death Knights are all about death, they have Blood and Frost and I forgot the other talent, but they have really nothing to do with void energy. Shadow Priests kind of do, but only a few spells use void energy. We’ve been needed a new class for quite a while now and I think a Void Knight, Dark Paladin would be sweet.


A good name too would be Demonic Knight or Shadow Knight (seen this class name across various fantasy fiction). I think it would be a cool idea and another choice for people. It would also give a choice for role players too. Im not sure how to make it more different than DK other than no death theme and no skeletons lol.


I see the heart button to react to this but I need a little frowny/not fair face!

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, why not. You can have your oathbreaker paladin.

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I like the idea of a void class paladin or another type of class, all this is a look of visuals. For intance:

A pally casts a lot of spells that show “the light”. Glyphs could change these spells to look like void energy instead.

A fire mage or destro lock that has glyphs that change the color of the fire/fel to void energy.

Demo lock that has glyphs that change the demons summoned into varying undead and bam, you have a necromancer.

DH that glyph from fel energy to void energy. Even have void tattoos.

Having a new class must be a lot of development time on bliz’s part. Then all the balancing issues from the time implemented to forever.

With gylphs, you can change the flavor of an existing class to be exciting without all the headaches of a brand new class/spec.

Aren’t Death Knights the same as Dark Paladin?


I’d love a void melee class too, it’s definitely an option as a future idea. Especially whenever we get deeper into the Void’s side of the cosmos. But it wouldn’t be a paladin or have any connection to paladins. It’d be a different concept entirely under a new class label.

Ranged class first please. Since launch we have gained 3 tank specs 1 healer spec and 5 melee specs… and we’ve LOST 1 ranged spec.

Sounds like an Amalgamation of a Subtlety Rogue and a Blood Death Knight.
But than again we did had Anduin to differ.

There’s literally zero issue giving Night Elves paladins, since they already exist in the lore.

However, Void Elf paladin is a no go.

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there is one ne paladin, not nearly enough to justify their existence

No more melee.

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I saw another post similiar to this one.

Void Knight Discussion (And why it will never work) - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

My issue is though is that people seem to think DKs and Void Knights are the same which is totally false. Death Knights literally have everything to do with Death, Blood, Skeletons, Undead, Demons. Where as Void Knights would literally use void magic or dark matter energy from the cosmos if you will. Completely opposite. But I do agree however that basically Death Knights are the same as Dark Paladins, also Paladin in the name is a warrior of light, so I get that, Paladin won’t work in the name. So we could just call them Void Knights that uses void magic/energy and not death and undead magic. It would fit so perfectly into the lore it’s almost a sin not to make it fit. I get it would be hard to implement a whole new class, but I feel like it’s about time we had a new class. So no Dark Paladins, but instead Void Knights. I just don’t like DKs or Warlocks or the Undead race because that’s just me. There is already to much Undead, Fel Energy, Frost magic, Blood magic, Death spells, unholy spells, skeletons, etc. as it is. There should a be dark energy or void energy/cosmic energy now.

How much you wanna bet if something like this were to happen, Void elf players would petition for some sort of glyph that changes their void effects to light/holy effects. e_e

Although honestly, I would love for Night elf priest spells to be silver, instead of gold.

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The brainchild for this does have a root especially given the enemies of 8.3. There plenty of evil void ‘knights’ in the vision of a future corrupted Stormwind.

I don’t think that this is likely to take hold as player-playable content. If anything after 8.3 void elves are probably more likely to be like ‘hrm maybe I’ll work harder to ignore the whispers and take a good long shower’.

I was about to post exactly this

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Hadn’t thought that far ahead. :brain:
You’re absolutely right, these clowns will never be satisfied until they get high elf paladins.

Tauren Paladins were pulled out of thin air. I don’t think that’s much of an argument, really.

So were void elves, this thread shouldn’t even exist.