New Class Dragoon

I heard Tinkerer was going to be a possible class which sounds like a glorified Engineer and I heard Dragon Knight was going to be a new class, which could be cool but I always liked the Dragoons from Legend of Dragoon and from Final Fantasy. It would be cool to have a plate or mail Polearm class with jumps and aoe spinning attacks.

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Sure like Praetor Fenix!


Wherever you’re hearing this from, it’s not Blizzard.

We’ll find out on April 19th.

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I heard that 73% of all statistics are completely made up

Survival and old school Ret already cover most of the ground dragoon could, honestly, it just needs a jump skill or two (like, realistically you could just make a glyph of polevaulting or something to turn harpoon into a long jump)

You can even make FFXI style dragoon with the right pets as a SV Hunter

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you mean kinda like a survival hunter?


We need a good pole arm dedicated class with cool animations. Might get me to melee for once.

Dragoons don’t make sense without mounted combat in the absence of vehicles.

Kinda sounds close to hunter from what I could find.

Which would mean it could either be great because hunters are the most popular class or worst because hunters are the most popular class. :thinking:

edit: Not too sure which character we know would represent them since the Dragonmaw were destoryed.

I’m not gonna lie, “wow dragoon” was about half the reason I was one of the few hunter mains who was stoked about gaining a melee spec in legion. Splitting my raiding between two specs was still a bit borderline.

Well that and since it was still a 2/3 ranged class, if I hated melee I could still fall back on something fun

Kinda sounds close to hunter from what I could find.

Funnily enough in FFXIV both the bow and spear classes seem to be linked mainly to the catgirls and the elves so that’s fair enough (and the bunny folk now too)

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I don’t think dragoons has any, if not much, lore in WoW. And I do not think it would benefit WoW atm to take class ideas from other games when there is still allot of classes they can take out of past game lore such as tinkerers, dakr rangers, necromancers, battle-mages and the like.

Best case scenario is that we get a dragonoid race, but that may be stretching it a bit with the dragonoid models we have atm.

Kind of like Survival Hunter. But I would also think of jumping behind the enemy kind of like a Rogue. A Double Jump and other arial attacks like the Demon Hunter. A Cleave type ability like Warrior’s Whirlwind, Dragon Breath like a mage, and perhaps other elemental abilities. I would keep them a DPS class though, no tanks or heals but that’s just my opinion.

The lore behind those races gave them bows and spears?

I want to be a dragon! :rage::dragon_face:

SV Hunter already has jump, cleave, and I’m sure traps could be glyphable

The lore behind those races resulted gave them bows and spears?

Long ago all three groups were wood dwelling nomads and also the elves who settled in the mountains to get away from humans got into a fight with dragons so bows and spears turned out to be great primary weapons

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I don’t want a new class.

But if we’re getting a new class, I want it to be

Tinker > Necromancer (Which I’d treat as a full Warlock rework) >>>> Bard >>>> Ur a Dragon Harry.

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Makes sense.

There’s a goofy chance to be possible if the cults on Azeroth wish to help us with a new threat while they’re at their strongest. :skull_and_crossbones:

They should make a vampire race or merloc before a dragoon

They could also do a eredar that turned towards the light

Only if I can jump miles into the sky and dive down like a boss with my spear thing, Gaebolg or whatever.