New class color is bad

Doesn’t really fit with the class imo. I was expecting some kind of red.


Of all the things to complain about. This is absolutely the dumbest. You should feel bad everyone’s iq is now lower for listening to your post. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

They won’t be using black or gray, as those are already used for Dead and Disconnected states.

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I think it would be pretty cool if they actually split the bar on this one, maybe two or maybe the four colors of the flights.

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First we take (back) meta, now we completely forgot locks exist. If only Mortis were here

The evoker hue is not the same as the monk hue. It could be a little brighter, though. Anybody who thinks it’s the same hasn’t spent much time looking at a color wheel.

my color blind azz already cant tell ANY DIFFERENCE between hunter and monk. might aswell add another “green”.


They could start using two colors for this and future classes. For this one they could use orange and red since it would be fitting for a dragon race.

To be fair, it is a dark green… or according to the Wowhead, “Chromophobia Green”…

/Googles that.

An abnormal fear of colors or a color.

… So a color that is afraid of itself? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

But anyways, i did compared the two colors of it’s HSB. As well Just for funises, i did compared Warlock and Demon hunter to see how big a difference it is to try to understand where people are coming from…

And atfer a few minutes with some math and numbers here… Well i’m not too sure actually. You decide. :point_down:

Name Hue Sat Brightness Hex
Envoker 167 65 58 33937F
Monk 156 100 100 00FF98
Difference 11 35 42
Warlock 239 43 93 8788EE
Demon Hunter 285 76 79 A330C9
Difference 46 33 14

Maybe it’s problematic for the nearsighted or the color blinded. :thinking:

I was honestly thinking a bright red would of been the choice but oh well.

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Dude it’s just green. It’s just another color. Shut up. For real. The game has real issues. This petty stupid crap is why the devs hate us so much.

They went and straight-up invented a completely new class with no basis in WC3 lore after back-to-back expansions featuring mech aesthetics.

We’re never getting tinkers :sob:

Ion saying the Dragon Xpac was now or never for a dragon class made me feel like he knows about Tinkers but this is the best time for a dragon class.

Is this something people legitimately care about?

I’m sure he knows about tinkers too. He just decided the time was “never” for them.

You must not have been here for the elf eye color riots of 2020.

I see the threads where elf players do nothing but whine and complain that they can’t look more like high elves but you’re right, I didn’t know the well ran this deep.

They should save black for a cooler class. Current color is fine.

Rainbow or one color per letter from each dragonflight

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Is this really what GD has come to…? Complaining about colors now? ROFLMFAO!!!

Who doesnt love shades of green!?!

I imagine they have other add ons that will tell them the class and not just rely on color