New class balance team please

Not true, vers buff is vital, specially to survive damage rather than dealing it.

Not true again

Giving warriors hero should be a proper movement

No you’re very wrong.

The AI that’s trendy right now is large language models.

Machine learning has been well proven in data driven applications for a long time

It’s much different than the ai you’re thinking of.

Ill be on the new team, rogue op , everything else is mid


Ion is so +competent+ he argued that frostmages don t need a pet bec. most people don t play with one. Since they forgot to balance it properly for x years and with that zeropoint argument they just deleted it.

If people like Ion are in charge WOW cannot be any better atm.
They just repeat their own mistakes over and over and over.

See marksman hunter now.
Deleting the pet option…why? Because they are clueless and do not listen to their community at all.
Why not let it stay but just buff it properly and a 2. way of playing too. But that would be a bit more work= so no…they are just lazy.

Same with proper introducing of the 1. support-spec.
Instead of just let it support the group NO…it must have been super OP by pushing other dps into oblivion…and why? Because some streamer people can hype it in their 0,1% m+ heaven which 90% of the community never sees or want to see.

Blizzard should listen to their basic community more and not to some streamers.


It only fits an RPG if there is a reason for a class to have it…Otherwise its a generic button. So instead of handing it out to all healers without reason, just let it be a genric button for everybody. At least that would preserve the little class lore that is left

The reason is Healers are Support.

class balance this season was like elon musk trying to explain his handlers poe character levels of bad.

how do you do fellow gamers

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Parsing data like this will be incredibly noisy.

You have a mix of player types, gearing (not just ilevel, but stats, procs, enchants) and then you have various encounters and group combinations. Different talents account for thousands of permutations per spec, per player. Toss in things you have no control over, like what buffs are up at what time on the target. And all of that data is missing from most logs.

AoE vs Single Target vs small group cleave. Mythic vs Heroic vs Normal vs Raids vs BG vs Arena vs Rated Arena vs Rated Skirmish. Level 1 vs Level 15.

Then you have just biased data - there are more who’s data is never put on sites like WCL or is otherwise inaccessible.

To claim it is possible for any machine learning algorithm is possible to sort through all that and come up with a single solution to achieve perfect balance is naĂŻve.

Make Outlaw Great Again. Please. I skipped (What was it… DF S3?) and regret it.

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Im not sure outlaw was ok in S3 i did get KSM, but BFA outlaw was top

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Only if they make all 3 warrior specs S tier and never nerf them. That’s the only mistake I see the current team making, is not making warriors S tier.

I just remember the damage, the burst, everything. It was amazing. Played my Rogue for a solid week and for some reason I dropped it. Mad at myself because it was the most fun I’ve had in a while. Like legitimate good fun playing a spec.

It was some season in DF but it also slowly left the top as the patches came on. Was still a solid tier spec but not “Ret Paladin” levels of good.

Bro please just stop talking about ML like you have any idea how it works.
All you’re doing is making things worse.
It’s literally designed to work for these kinds of high variance multi input applications.

Modern machine learning models handle billions of parameters. Creating a balancing tool for WoW is child’s play for modern technology.

Blizzard has much more data than what is available on WCL, and it would not be hard to simply train models on different fight styles and situations and create hierarchical models that integrate data from them.

Please don’t come in here acting like you know something about ML / AI when you dont

Not that I agree with the tone but I agree with the point you’re making. It’s crazy how many folks don’t realize AI has been used for years now. It’s nothing new at all.

Any smart algorithm in the early 2k’s (Or even late 90’s) would be called AI these days. And those algorithms are even smarter now. There’s a reason these triple A corporations know how to exploit the living heck out of us and it’s more than just one “AI” in the background.

Balance needs improved but class design is struggling more than anything imo.

They need a new lead over class design, whatever position that formally is.

What’s bad is they don’t realize this isn’t going to change since shifting sands still gives Vers instead of switching it to % damage.

Only if they make all 3 warrior specs S tier and never nerf them.

For some to be at the top, others must be at the bottom. This is probably what’s wrong with the game from a class balance design philosophy. Some classes are exceptionally more viable and preferred at higher levels of difficulty in content over others, which is fine. There will always be a meta for X, Y or Z types of encounters or mechanics. Not because of things like raw single-target or cleave damage output, or the ability to take big damage and shrug it off, but because of group utility. Battle res, haste buffs, heroism/lust, cleanses etc. Most things Warrior has been overlooked on when designing dungeon content at much higher difficulties.

Warrior needs a complete rebuild from the ground up, and with people’s comments saying how awful the state Prot is going to be in next patch, I think we figured out what Blizzard’s opinion on the class is overall. They’re happy with it. We’re not.

You can do high keys with most specs. That doesn’t mean that player perception won’t favor the best comps and see non meta specs as “bad” even though they are capable of doing the content.

Yeah, the problem is that because of how it works, it will always be strong unless it gets nerfed into the ground so hard that it’s garbage. It’s a wild card and works well with most specs so that it can support whatever the FotM dps specs are. Add on the defensive utility and it’s just always going to be good unless they make it so bad no one will take it.

But can you get title with most specs? Better yet, how many of said title-go’ers are the ones pulling non-meta into title range just to prove it?

I dunno I just feel like we’re in League of Legends territory of balance, yet unlike them, we nit pick where and how balance really plays out. Do the elites pick a subtlety rogue or do they pick an enhancement shaman?