New Cinematic - Winter Queen, Elune, Tyrande

My DnD story is set in the WoW universe, has a gnoll set up to become a quasi-Avatar, and still tells a better story than Shadowlands.


No one is responsible, genocide is okay, nothing means anything.

What a cruddy game.


Even if Elune somehow didn’t know that the tree and occupants were burning alive until it was “too late,” I’m still trying to wrap my head around why she couldn’t have portaled a few thousand away. To Moonglade, Hyjal, Winterspring, Stormwind, wherever.
All I’ve gotten was, “she’s not powerful enough to do that. She’s not a goddess.”

Edit because I scrolled up a bit and read a nice post.
I could probably get behind Elune being a false god that became disconnected. Still, though… seems incredibly lazy on Elune’s part to put everyone to sleep versus trying to save some of them.


Personally, I am fine with the idea that Elune is a more abstract goddess who cannot do much direct interference in the physical world, and whose intervention is limited to themes like light and shadows and peace (and some water, apparently). There’s still some plotholes that exist with this interpretation (why not peacify the Horde firing the ballistic catapults, why not wash them away with a sudden tide, etc), but below average for the setting.

But the writing Blizzard keeps adding like:

makes it seem like they’re saying Elune could have saved them all but chose to let them die instead (and apparently there either isn’t an Elune afterlife or Elune specifically sent them away from the Elune afterlife). And that’s an awful story direction for this setting on multiple levels.


If it’s any consolation to the Night Elves the new Shadowlands Grimoire invalidates Shamanism beliefs now.

Those spirits you talk to? Nah dude you’re probably really high or dumb. The great plains you believe you go to? Lol nah that’s fake too.

Anyway I made this lol


I found a thread with spoilers for that book and oh my god

Oh my god it’s full of holes

And they really do dismiss tauren as delusional and their most sacred magic as just

I thought my well for annoyance with Blizzard had finally run dry but boy howdy there’s still a few liters left down there


Let me jump in on this game. I got my 5e books -ready-!


Blizzard: “What are you so mad about? It’s a perspective! The Brokers wrote that book. Obviously, they’re not infallible!”
Players: “So then all that lore about Tauren spiritual practices and what not is actually canon?”
Blizzard: “Is it? Buy our latest book to find out! It’ll be out as soon as the artists finish healing from the latest whipping to get them to pad out three pages of lore into a hundred page book. This one will be written from the perspective of the Attendants! Granted they too are fallible, so if they and the brokers conflict on some things, just go with whatever you like best.”


It’s very, very bold of them if they’re trying to pull the “unreliable narrator” card out this late into things.

Tauren are a little too close to Night Elves, the hatred of the writing team splashes over - my sympathies.


I like to call it, ‘Shrodinger’s Narrator.’ It’s both canon and not canon, and it won’t be one or the other until players decide they like it or not (opening the box).


God what a load of :poop:. First that tale of ‘there’s totally thousands of other afterlives! we’re just focusing on these four for the story!’ (And bate you into doing a re-treed of legions world hoping scenarios maybe!) to ‘lol nope! just these four!’

Would of bought it more of these four particular afterlives are for only the azeroth area and the remaining bits of afterlife are somewhere else, but… blah blah blizzard cant write w/e. I got to agree on the orc-lad way above me in ‘i litterly cannot believe that this is whats left of the afterlife and that we’re all that’s left’. Not only do I remember said Legion world hoping scenarios but I remember quite well that there was life on afew of them. If Azeroth really was all that is left then honestly the Shadowlands would be just… dead by now if that was as dire as it was.

God, why am I trying to make sense in a game that has absolutely none what so ever?


Wait wait wait. Was this confirmed? I definitely remember them saying there were “infinite” afterlives we are just seeing the main 4 that are important to keeping the Shadowlands running… Did they come out and say LOL nah, these 4 are it? If so… just wow.

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Personally I really like flawed narrators. Like I’m keen to see if Shamanic and Tauren traditions and beliefs are just something the Brokers do not understand.

I mean in Wolfheart Velen suggested Elune was probably a naaru, and that was debunked. Maybe Tauren beliefs are more real than the brokers think.

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I mean, I called that back when we got our first preview of the Shadowlands and there was pretty much nothing related to any of the various Shamanic traditions found on Azeroth except the Other Side, which was clearly an afterthought. I didn’t think Blizzard was ever going to explore the idea further in any of the “infinite afterlives” because I could see how far out of their way they were going to avoid including Shamanisn to begin with.

Spirituality and dealing with the dead has always been part of Shamanism in WoW. However, Blizzard wrote themselves into a corner by making the domain of Orcs/Taurens/Trolls, aka, the ‘primitive’ races and not the more popular humans/elves. While they have no problem making us run through Paladin-land and Night Elf-land and Undead-land and Vicitorian-England, a zone tied too much to the Orcs/Trolls/Tauren would obviously just be too much I guess.

They’re greatly limiting the scope and interesting places they can go by restricting themselves to the same kinds of fantasy stuff we’ve all seen explored a hundred times before in other settnigs.

That's why so much of BfA and the Zandalari stuff came as a very refreshing surprise to me.

And even that was up in the air, as Bwosamdi was originally going to be yet another malevolent loa and the one that manipulated Vol’jin into putting Sylvanas in charge. Apparently only the voice actor’s charming performance spared the character from this fate, although it seems it left Blizzard scrambling on what to do with the character.


Which one is Paladin land? Revendreth cause it looks like its got Cathedrals? Cause Bastion is more like Mage-Land, considering how much it looks and feels like it comes straight out of the Titan’s playbook.

It isn’t. I’ve spent years wondering why Night Elves can’t be shaman, in fact.

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I saw Bastion more like the elysian fields. The chosen heroes are sent to live a blessed life in golden fields but without any of their memories lol.

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Sure, its pretty, but the whole zone felt like something I could see floating around the Realm/Plane of Order in an ocean of arcane energy or something. The buildings look and feel distinctly Titan inspired, and the adherence to a structure and path, along with the elimination of the sense of individual through the removal of memories, felt very Titan-like to me.

That was just my take, but everything from the animals in the zones to the structures, even the automatons, all feel extremely Titan-based.

My goodness that is just so horrible.

“We’re too cheap and/or lazy to design a good afterlife-themed expansion so we’re retconning class and race fundamentals.”


It was so much more interesting, and sensible, as the zones being pillars of the infinite.

The zones/covenants leaning towards service, rebirth and atonement + hell. The other afterlives we don’t see being where Kyrian take people, what the Necrolords protect…