New Cinematic - Winter Queen, Elune, Tyrande

This cinematic feels like if a fan-fic was submitted for a story/writing contest and and Blizzard intern made it canon.

Except we’ve had that happen before (Shadow of the Sun) and that one was good. This is not. Not. At. All.


On a positive note, the Night Elves can instead come worship Bwonsamdi, that one deity who actually looks after his charges.

Pretty sure the Nelves can swing it since they can point at the evolution tree and make the convincing case their on the same tier of evolution that the Darkspear are on technically.


From the look of it, Tyrande generated a Tear of Elune, and probably a chance to reincarnate the victims of the War of Thorns. This is one of the few ways I see her giving up vengeance making any sense at all. If I were in the position, I’d take any opportunity to just have all my people back like the war never happened and give up shredding my body to pieces just to chop one undead elf’s head off.

I can see it working if they write the next parts very, very carefully.


I’d frankly lol so hard but support Blizzard doing that since it would remove the stain of BfA and SL from a story standpoint.



Shadow of the Sun set up antagonism between the Kirin Tor and Blood Elves virtually out of nowhere. In WC3:TFT the Kirin Tor weren’t at Dalaran, but Shadow of the Sun decided, ‘Nah, we’re gonna slap a couple of the Council of Six there so the Blood Elves can have a grudge.’ The old lore was quite straight forward about the Kirin Tor; they didn’t return to Dalaran’s ruins until well after the incidents with Garithos and Kael’thas.

Thanks to that we’ve ended up with such messes as the Purge of Dalaran, and then Aethas Sunreaver giving away Felo’melorne to Dalaran to just get back into the city… Some of the absolute worst lore story elements we’ve had. That’s not saying much since BFA and Shadowlands both said, “Hold my beer,” to every other expansion’s terrible writing.

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I actually quite liked the purge of dalaran arc, and the sindorei distaste for Dalaran haha.


The team did such a good job making this that it almost made me not realize that it’s stupid. So kudos to them.


And we thought butchering Sylvanas was bad.

They just made the pacifist Moon Goddess down to see her favourite ‘children’ damn near genocided again because little sis needs some help UwU … Without bothering to ask first.


this cinematic really sucked a lot and i dont like it


blizzard sucks very much and i don’t like them


I didn’t care for the retcon, speaking for myself.

Now, if Dalaran had never been planned to be neutral? Then sure, it’s a retcon but it facilitates the story-telling. The Purge might’ve been okay if it wasn’t so bugged, glitched-out, and with cut content that left players absolutely confused as to what’s even going on.

Worse, they made Dalaran neutral again.

If they wanted Dalaran neutral then this element of antagonism between the Blood Elves and Kirin Tor never should’ve been introduced through a retcon.

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A lot of WoW’s story problems stem from Blizzard’s insistence of keeping the factions divided while also making us all share our stuff (generally Alliance sharing our stuff with the Horde, but it does go the other way sometimes too.)


One weird plot hole they’ve created is that this is the afterlife for the entire universe… yet one giant tree full of elves was going to solve the anima drought? Wouldn’t there be trillions of worlds or, you know, at least ten or twenty lol


Didn’t Legion lowkey comment on the fact Sargeras and the Legion have literally wiped out the rest of the universe of sapient life and Azeroth is the only real survivor (With any others akin to Draenor, just shattered twisted remnants barely clinging to life and will dissolve into the Twisted Nether in due time)?

Giving this piece of :poop: story more thought and justification than it deserves, I’m thinking the idea with the Jailer was to use Sargeras and his Legion to flood the Shadowlands with souls (and thereby Anima) to create a very…“wasteful” soul economy. Then as Sargeras succeeded and the machinery of death broke down, that resource became a lot rarer to the point beings like Elune would just somehow let casual genocides occur because gosh dang it the Shadowlands are starving.

Look, the important take away here in Tyrande is big stupid meanie head for carrying on about justice for her people (or as they gaslight it, “vengeance”) and as a woman she’s clearly unbalanced (after all, a 40 year old had to explain kindergarten tactics to a ten thousand year old warrior queen).


Good point, maybe space satan already cleared the board for the Jailer! Which is bad, too, of course, but yeah haha

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I can’t wait for Blizzard to reveal Medivh’s father was a devotee of the Jailer.

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Going into realms of pure speculation here, however, it seems that Elune was responding directly to the Winter Queen, so the Night Elf souls would’ve only helped Ardenweald.

That having been said, the amount of anime a soul produces seems to directly correlate with it’s experiences in life. That having been said, naturally longer-lived souls (like our formerly immortal Night Elves) would be an abundance of anima just by that alone, but when you add into consideration there are Night Elves whom have experienced three Burning Legion invasions and other wars on top of that?

Your average Night Elf soul should be not so much an anima battery and an anime nuclear reactor.

Half the people in this thread could single-handedly revitalize the Shadowlands and power the Covenants for millennia if this were the case.


To be fair most dieties whether real or imagined are terrible, capricious, and subject to arbitrary mood swings.

Like most things Blizzard I didn’t think too much about this particular cinematic as it seems in-line with the typical comic book plots this series is known for.