New cinematic trailer just dropped

uh huh

Oh, okay. Sin/Ren/Quel’dorei don’t have any variations in their facial features, or look like adult women. Even when they’re actually cosmic entities pretending to be people-shaped. Good to know.

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Epic failure. We don’t know these characters and it’s not even clear what they’re trying to do.


Oh, I’m so waiting for this. And I plan to feast on all the tears of those going, “but my purple-y elf knaifu though! Waaaah she’s scary now!!” Because I’m like, “which part of Void + Corpse did you miss?”

I’m sure plenty will still be into it and no shame there. But [rubs hands together], please let this happen.

I’ve been a fan of Claudia Christian since Babylon 5. Because I know what Christian can do, I’m ridiculously psyched to see what she does here.

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