New changes added for tomorrow


  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Echo Chamber now increases the damage of Elemental Overloads by 20% (was 40%).

      • Ascendance now increases the damage of Elemental Overloads by 100% while active (was 150%).

Player versus Player

  • Monk

    • Mistweaver
      • Rushing Wind Kick’s damage increase does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Paladin

    • Lightsmith: Divine Guidance now deals 60% less damage in PvP combat.
  • Rogue

    • Subtlety
      • Flagellation’s mastery bonus decreased by 50% in PvP combat.

The first post of this thread has been edited to reflect this.

So they scrapped some ele nerfs and nerfed rogue abit.


Is this the big loony toons hammer that hits people for 14 million?


Nerfs to the hardest spec LOL OKAY MAKES SENSE facepalm emoji


Nothing for survival of course. Color me surprised.


You just got double jump why do you need even more buffs?

Ele not completely dead anymore, sub rogue 1 shot not as 1 shotty, and prot pal cant 1 hit u anymore thank god!

I’m not asking for buffs. I’m asking for them to fix the deathblow talent that doesn’t work in pvp at all. It’s a major hit to our dps.


U already got ur GLAD mount what do you care? :kissing_heart:

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YOOOO where did you get that helm mog, king?

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Honestly all seems fair. Ele getting nerf hammer in pve (for good reason), nerfing pvp as well may be overkill given that the rework neutered a lot of their sustained damage.

The MW kick thing was doing some silly damage for a healer spec AND is getting buffs tomorrow, so that makes sense.

The paladin thing was doing goofy 1 shots and sub rogue should never ever ever be able to solo a class as long as it has shadow dance.

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Trick or treating :jack_o_lantern:


you know that question “if you could send a message to everyone in the world, what would you say?” that’s been asked ad nauseam? I’d say “save trinket for bomb or duel” and all the DPS in shuffle would still ignore it

Sub needs shadowy duel and smoke bomb removed asap.


That’s good, should keep the fotm rerolls away.

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Tyvm, I gotta nab that. How many candies?

One fitty bad boyz

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Are there any other good swag options?? Ive been doing horseman dailies for the pet (230 kills, no arfus), and have some candy on all chars. Not sure why it’s not warbound btw.

Can anyone shed light on why melee wings is getting nerfed again? Pretty sure that spell was dead on arrival already

:dracthyr_nod: :+1: :grinning:


Eh not really, I’ll probably buy the matching shoulders but they look similar to the trading post ones. Only the hood had some cool new flair

The new scarecrow set is pretty dope, I like the color scheme better than the trading post one. Makes me regret spending my tendies on it :slightly_frowning_face: