NEW CAT MOUNT on the blizzard store for $25!

Jesus it looks like a house cat. WTF?


That’s exactly how a cat moves IRL…

You expect it to walk like a horse?

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I used to be able to say that I have never bought a store mount.

I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to say that :expressionless:


But I’m terribly allergic to cats!

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Blizzard making another play to the furries.

No, it’s not that. It’s that any mounts that have large saddles that go back and forth, and the rider just wobbles like a weeble, drives me insane because it looks stupid.

In any case a person who’s riding an animal won’t let themselves flail about unless they’re not in control. Even if you were riding a cat large enough to hold you, you’d do your own body work so that you could see rather than flop about. The floppy saddle is just a “this looks ridiculous” aspect because it’s neither necessary nor visually appealing.


The run and idle animations are pretty good. There’s still something about it that makes it feel out of place to me. It’s either that house cats exist in azeroth already or something about the eyes…looks a bit like the Cheshire cat.few!

Edit: I’ve now seen it out in the world. It still looks way off, doesn’t fit somehow.

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It’s a cat. A regular cat. Not all animals added to the game are creepy, dude.


(sees 1 content patch patch in 11 months)
Not this time.

This timing feels as bad as the mystic runesaber


Oh no, how dare Blizzard put something in the store to try and make money off their customers. You’d think they were a business or something.

I think it’s adorable, I know I will be buying it with gold soon.


if have a purple recolor i will instant buy!

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Honestly, it reminded me of that cat/rat thing from Nausicaa of the Valley Of The Wind. So getting it when it goes on sale.

Happy birthday!
-gives a squishy panda hug-

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sweet christmas…



tyvm :smiley: /10char

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Where’s my Shibe/Doge mount I’ve been asking for, for like 7 years.

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It was a joke. A regular joke. But you have to admit a flying cat with sinister green eyes is just a little bit creepy.

Is that for real…


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Probably the best mount blizzard has ever put on the store.