As of the Fractures in Time patch, I suddenly have a “casting bar” at the bottom of my screen. I can move it around (possibly because of the MoaveAny addon) but it doesn’t seem to do anything, and it’s just in my way. I don’t want it.
Does anyone know what it’s for, why it’s there, and, most importantly, how to get rid of it?? There doesn’t seem to be an option anywhere to turn it off that I can find.
Best I can say is do a full UI reset, then turn your addons back on one at a time to find the issue. Going through the addons will be a pain, but I can’t think of what else it could be.
It’s not addon interference; it does it on default ui. Need to either get an addon/weakaura to manage the castbar, or make your own to unregister castbar events.
the code in question to do so: PlayerCastingBarFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()
I don’t really know a whole lot about making wow addons, but something as barebones as this should work.
Did you slot it into an addon? Without an addon you would need to manually enter it and every login or loading screen it will reset to default.
/script PlayerCastingBarFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()
This is why I suggested making an addon to handle it. I briefly tested the one I made above and it works, at least as far as login/reload and see if there’s a cast bar.
I’ve already tested this when I mentioned default ui.
After some experimentation, it turns out that the problem is caused by the Moveany add-on. What was likely happening was that removing it with the above command didn’t work because Moveany was putting the bar right back. Removing the add-on removed the bar.