New Butterfly Transmog

I can’t get this out of my head whenever I see people running around with the new transmog.

And it genuinely makes me laugh.


I had it show up in my gift tab since I have a recurring sub not sure if I’m going to use it or not. I might slap the wings on just because.


I honestly say do it. If ya got em, use em I say

Foruummmm please update my avatar!


Show me your beautiful butteryfly wings!

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hahahaha I was thinking this last night, trying on the mog!

it’s been like 12 hours now!

I don’t have plans for the butterfly parts, but I’ll gladly take the plain purple pants and gloves as options.

I got this!

Oh wait, they dont show on forums.

You were beautiful before the transmog. Your wings were inside of you the whole time.

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Hahahahaha. I was quoting this while running around Orgrimmar. This mog looks absolutely ridiculous in all the right ways on my Highmountain Tauren Warrior.

The neat thing is you can equip the shoulders from this set and the chest from the Ren’dorei heritage armor and have two sets of wings that actually don’t look too bad together.

Pro tip: Wear the transmog on a shadow priest to become Walmart Batman! :sunglasses:

Also, wear it in BGs for extra salt

I AM a beautiful butterfly :smiley:

Show off your Fairy Princess greatness - #51 by Daortha-dragonmaw

Just target them in PvP just like the pajamas set the abominable Wendigo set