This is still happening to me for some characters, as well. Since you can also get it in the rift, I attempted to get it that way yesterday, but it wasn’t there upon entering the area. I had to run away from the area in the rift again and saw the icon pop up, and the chest was there to loot. There really is no consistency to what to expect, but this is how I can reproduce issue attempting to loot in the rift. Otherwise, it typically will respawn after some time while out of the rift, as well.
- Loot third key
- Go to loot chest, but it is gone
- Leave area and enter rift portal
- Quite awhile later look for chest while in the rift, it’s not there
- Run away from the area while in the rift, see chest pop up on the map
- Run back to chest and loot it in the rift
Allow me to amend your steps there.
- Loot third key
- Go to loot chest and it is gone.
- Go afk and watch funny 5 minute youtube video of your choice to numb the pain caused by this bug.
- Loot the chest.
This is still a bug. Can we get a fix please?
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It’s the end of January 2022 and this bug hasn’t been fixed. Relogging only works sometimes and sometimes won’t. Not even leaving the game has worked for me. The lax response/fix leaves a lot to say and wish about the present dev staff…
I encountered this bug today for the first time. I was however able to interact with the chest once unlocked via the rift.
Just had this happen with my Warrior. Oddly earlier, my Shaman had no problem.
Note: I relogged. Didn’t work. Went to Oribos and restarted. That didn’t work either.
Edit: To make this weirder, I then logged in with my Hunter and couldn’t see the chest at all with no keys.
I was about to make a me too post about this, but while I was searching the box respawned. Probably took a minute or two for it to show again. I did not have to relog, or change area.
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It’s still happening. If you wait a few minutes it will respawn. There’s no need to /reload or log out, just wait.
TBH it’s annoying and could use a fix.
So is this a bug, or is this how it was always suppose to be? My theory is with each key found the chest appears or disappears, with less people grabbing the keys we are now noticing it happening? I’ve seen it wink out as I approach it after having the third key. I’ve also noticed it not being there, but once I have my third key pick-up in the area immediately surrounding it suddenly appears. Just food for thought…or it is bugged lol.
It’s a bug. The intended way: When you find all the keys, the chest unlocks, exactly like the chests inside Torghast. At least this is how it worked since 9.1 until it broke in 9.1.5.
Can confirm. I was filing a bug report when it respawned. Just wait a minute or two and it will respawn again.