New Book gets lore wrong? Blood Elves weren't addicted to fel

Today i learned

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No, it really isn’t.

Power the city? They didn’t need to ‘power the city’ with fel magic, they used regular spells for that, which their mastery over did not vanish after the sunwell was destroyed. Why do you think their eyes were green? Because they were sucking on fel magic, because elf eye colour changes depending on the magic they absorb.

Kael’thas was declared a traitor because he directly attacked Silvermoon. He attacked Silvermoon with his felblood elves, stole Mu’ru from the city, and then went and set up shop at the Sunwell in order to use it to bring Kil’jaeden and the Burning Legion to Azeroth.


Look it up on Wowpedia or on the making of the Burning Crusade on YouTube. The green eyes were described as background radiation due to using fel magic to power the city. They used magic to change the weather and to keep all of their floating buildings standing. With the Sunwell gone they used fel energy instead.

I think you might be remembering it wrong. Those crystals were charged to power the academy defenses. When blood elves were first introduced we had a spell called Mana Tap and introductory quests instructed new Blood Elves to use it on animals.


No, I’m not remembering wrong. One of the first Blood Elf quests was siphoning a Fel Crystal, as well as using Mana Tap on enemies.

It was removed when the Sunwell was restored.


Well multiple sources describe Silvermoon blood elves as feeding on small creatures, the introductory quest had you use Mana Tap on creatures, until it was changed to Arcane Torrent when Mana Tap was removed.

It’s okay, lots of people have the idea that Playable Blood Elves used fel energy to sate their addictions even though they didn’t.

It’s explicitly stated that Illidan is the one that taught Kaelthas and the Outland Blood Elves to use alternate energy sources to feed their Mana addiction. When Rommath returned from Outland he only taught Blood Elves to use Mana crystals and creatures. They even asked the devs this in the story forums and they said the green eyes were from radiant fel energy, not directly consuming it.

It’s an important story point because it differentiates the Felblood elves from the Blood elves.


Lest I’m mistaken, Rommath brought the knowledge with him to Silvermoon, hence all the green crystals with eyes . . . ya the blood elves were HARD addicted to the fel unless that was retconned.

Edit: also green eyes, ya you lot got those from fel . . . possibly linked to said green crystals with eyes.


I was banned from Silvermoon for devouring Blood Elven newborns. I can assure you that the Blood Elves are not addicted to me.


The simple reality is that Christie Golden may be writing this book, but she works for Blizzard, and Blizzard effectively tells her what the lore is so that she doesn’t ‘get it wrong’.

Blood Elves were addicted to fel.


Then they are retconning it because Blizzard before said they didn’t consume fel magic.


Even so, the prince’s relatively quick acceptance of dire measures (e.g., draining magic from demons) is by no means characteristic of blood elves in general. The blood elves of Outland have by now discovered Kael’thas’ agreement with Illidan, and they have for the most part become convinced of its necessity. Most blood elves still live on Azeroth, though. Few of these elves know of Kael’thas’ pact with Illidan, and many would be horrified if they discovered it. Draining magic from small mana-bearing vermin is a far cry from draining magic from demons. Yet, as their hunger grows, blood elves—particularly those in Outland—are becoming increasingly inured to the things they must do in order to obtain more magic.

Yes, they drained magic from living creatures, but they also drained magic from demons as they got desperate.


You don’t need to “drain” Fel out of demons to be addicted to it. You can have an addiction to Fel simply because of the Fel crystals in your surroundings.


curious… when I unsubbed twice on bfa I couldnt post the second after my sub was over.

but I’m sure it’s a mistake on my part…

It’s a recent thing I believe. Like, this year recent. But it’s definitely a thing now.

I think the book is supposed to be written by Shaw and Flynn and their perspective and knowledge. So they probably don’t know everything how exactly it happened.


True, people got this head canon that Anduin is gay. :rofl:


Read the entire sentence you just bolded.


Blood Elves are still addicts.

I mean that passage you quote directly contradicts what you are saying. The Blood Elves in Outland are the ones that follow Kael’thas or the ones that defected and became the Scryers in Shattrath. The ones on Azeroth fed from “small Mana bearing vermin.”


In case anyone has it twisted or confused, here’s a question from a dev qna.


Blood elves are addicted to arcane magic, not fel, but it is possible for a blood or high elf to succumb to fel magic’s lure; Kael’thas Sunstrider and some of his more zealous followers did so while on Outland. Dissatisfied with the limits of arcane magic, Kael’thas began consuming fel energy to acquire even greater power. A blood elf who consumes enough fel magic will be warped into a demonic hybrid, known as a felblood elf, essentially their race’s equivalent of a fel orc.