Really dislike this change. Was looking forward to grinding out a prebis and a bunch of new items and now my bis is most likely filled with old gear from aq and bwl.
Thank god, they should drop it down even more to 4 or 6 items. Step in the right direction.
Oh no, you actually have a reason to do old raids, how horrible
it’s almost like you’re playing vanilla or something
think they should just remove naxx drops all together. No need for new stuff.
How about we remove sanctified all together and make t3 bonuses good and let them coreforge/draconic like they said we were going to be able to.
This also doesn’t fix the borrowed power mop remix 8 man naxx problem.
i don’t dislike the idea of a set with bonuses a certain raid (sanctified), they should provide some kind of resistances to not being one shotted by new mechanics, because this is the unique version of wow where resistance matters. My problem with sanct is the NUMBERS SCALING that makes no sense.
leaving our t2 and t2.5 useless was a mistake, some dps classes were doing less damage than tanks.
Its also funny that you’re complaining about what your bis “most likely” is. Have you even opened up the sim and tested things out? Of course you haven’t. You’re the only one I see on the forums that likes this sanctified garbage.
Yes let’s replace all the gear that we worked hard to obtain for the past 4 months with some crafted pieces making everything we did since September useless…really bad take here man.
While I don’t sim as much as others do. Its not hard to come to a conclusion to what 4(technically 5 since trinket counts now) non-sanctified slots will do. Obviously people will use them for old tier bonuses since those have been the strongest throughout the phases.
Ok, maybe you should go look at the sims in hunter discord BEFORE complaining.
Have you got sims where they are T3 BiS? Or are you throwing gear on and simming?
I am yet to see BiS lists as we have not seen all the item changes so everything right now is guessing.
If you go on class discords you will see people working on sims for t3 bis, yes.
Weren’t you the guy quitting cause priest shields? That would really make all that work you did useless.
I don’t understand your comment, I’ve never quit. Priest shields are an absolute joke and it shows that the devs do not have a clue how to balance a game. They never should have gotten rid of its cooldown. It promotes spamming. Especially since bosses only do 2-4 k dps and the devs know this. Terrible design by them and it took 3 phases for them to realize
Dec 2024 in one of the many threads you complained about priest bubbles.