So got my BE paladin up to 60 yesterday and did the ghostlands thing.
Wasn’t bad, it was nice to see that lady moon berry is now a blood knight in training.
The armor appearance for paladins was a nice touch, only wish they included a nice looking one hander to go w/ the polearm.
Also still found the mount underwhelming.
I mean, to me the perfect blood elf mount will always be the fire chicken from firelands.
And the purple version who would have imagine back in those days, perfect for void elves. (special points for the voidtalon)
Sure can use a upgrade but still great.
The quest was alright, I like it. Everything related to the blood knights is a go for me even tho I play alliance as a main faction.
Wish we had more stuff about the various paladin orders at the alliance side.
Mix the green chocobo mount with a patriotically dressed Blood Elf in red and gold for a festive, Christmas theme.
I did rather enjoy the named guy shouting “Stop Killing me!” In the scar.
yeah honestly i haven’t even done it yet but i’m disappointed in the mount. was hoping if this blood knight stuff finally happened, they’d get a real racial paladin mount, like the great looking talbuk the LF draenei got recently
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It was fun. The armor is pretty nice, even it is just a recolor. Be careful during the final fight though. I wasn’t paying attention, died and had to walk about a billion miles back.
Looking forward to getting my undead hunter up so I can do the Lorderon quest next.
I think the mount was “accidentally” left out during TBC, and we’re getting it now more for the sake of completion than as any real prize. I doubt they expect anyone to particularly like it or even use it, more of an “oh right, forgot about this, uhhhh here have it”.
Still more satisfying than the Forsaken questline, if you ask me. All the belfs got stuck with was a green chicken, we’re saddled with Calia.
I cant even imagine… but maybe I just have to see it.
If only there were some iconic blood elf weapon models just lying around somewhere…
I really think that this patch released assets already in the game files to players and just created quests around them.
The mount that use for my Pally is the red armored dragonhawk
Sinrunner Blanchy also matches that mog.
For a weapon, I chose Ashkandi.
There are two polearms btw for paladins.
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I laught way to hard reading this and I LIKE CALIA.
Well played Sir.
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Pretty sure that stuff lies in the npc-only assets like the 7.0-7.1.5 nightborne npcs (and what we thought we’d get with the race).
I’m always happy to see more BElf stuff in game, there are other sets I would have like to see get the Black/Red recolour, and like you set a 1h would have been nice.
but overall was just nice to see BElf in some lore aspect again.
This was a perfect opportunity for us to get an updated Blood Knight mount but instead they gave us a rehashed green chocobo.
I’m honestly surprised you didn’t let Void Elves do the quest as well given how much Blood Elf stuff they just get for no reason.
Come on blizz.
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Several of which are now on the Legion Timewalking vendor
They could give us Spellbreaker weapons too if they wanted.
Best they can do is patch 11.2.
Also we still don’t and will likely never ever get armor that is exactly like those npc or the spellbreakers. Just weapons.
What? You mean the glaive that they would 100% make DH only?
They’re just not very elegant.
The unicorn mounts work nicely.
But even though it’s not elegant exactly I love using the Sunwarmed Feline for my Blood Elves. It suits them, imo.
Even Dwarves got an updated paladin mount. Where the blood elf one? 
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