New Blizzcon mount is a slap in da face for us Glacial Tidestorm owners

You went there! Time to start a drinking game. Everyone pour yourself another when the words below are used…


…or any of these phrases:

Slap in the face
Claiming to have played since Vanilla
Everyone agrees with me
Nobody wants that
If you don’t like it, leave
I demand a refund

Who cares if it’s too early in the day, eh?


Ar this point Blizzard should add a toy that slaps player across the face.


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“It’s just a game, none of this matters.”

A> “Not allowed an opinion on obvious flaws in PvP … unless you’re a 5000+ Glad.”

B> “Not allowed an opinion on obvious flaws in PvE … unless you’re a 12/12 Mythic raider.”

“Making good, solid arguments with facts and logic … and the rebuttal is to look up your profile and mock your game progress/Achv score.”

…yeah, I could do this all day. lol

/sips coffee
So, if you get slapped in the face enough, will you become numb to the whole thing?

You are honestly trying to kill people, aren’t you?

This is the only answer to any of this tomfoolery.

What’s a little alcohol poisoning among friends?

DISCLAIMER: This poster denies any responsibility for anyone dense enough to actually imbibe dangerous degrees of alcohol. Drink responsibly!

Missed opportunity with shadowlands living gauntlets things.

geez bill… you’re gonna slap the guys ears off
:man_elf: :boom: :wave:

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Nice theres a blizzcon mount, im gonna have to get it

I don’t get it. I thought that mount (either one) is supposed to go into your collection and never see the light of day.

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Ah my young padawan, let me teach you the ways:

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Mount looks amazing. Ima buy it and use it all the time.