New blizzard launcher

took me a whole min to find out how to launch wow from this. miss the old 1 it didnt have so much crap on it

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No strong opinions.

A little noisy (especially with pop ups), but being on the WoW page brought things back to normal. Since WoW is the last Blizzard game I’m playing these days, I don’t really need anything else.

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The launcher is annoying, on one hand its nice to have all my Blizzard games in a central place but I wish I could just log into one game and that’s it like I can with FF14…

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The big button is still there.

I don’t like that it defaults to the new section. I want it to default to World of Warcraft. It’s the only Game I play from Blizzard.

Why is that not an option for me to choose?


Main OP and then the next comment is a fix.

Ya I agree with that. It feels unnecessary. If I have a favorites bar of course the games I frequently play are gonna be on it.

Feels clunky / weird.


IMO… That is proof that it is not designed to be a game launcher, but rather an Advertisement Pusher??? I THINK SO.

The game launcher is simply a carryover to coverup the real purpose.

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I dont care about the launcher at all. Besides the part where it launches the game anyway.

  1. Click the logo dropdown
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click App
  4. Under the “On startup, view” dropdown, select “Last Viewed Game Page

Now it displays the WoW page just like before. Including the big blue button.


I’d prefer it if the Game option was set by default to the game I played last so I dont have to keep moving away from the Diablo images. It just looks cluttered to me.

Aaaand I just saw Brewa’s comment. Thanks for that, I changed it and hopefully that will work.

Was looking for this, thanks.

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Ahem. :point_down:

Ahem Ahem Ahem Ahem Ahem :clown_face:

It does seem to work to launch the game better. I don’t have to select play several times to get it to start the game, so that’s a positive. Other then that i haven’t noticed much.

You can change it back to the old functionality by doing:

Bnet Icon (top left) > Settings > App > Startup > “On Startup View” > Change “Home Page” to “Last Viewed Game Page”

The “Last Played” feature needs an option in settings to be disabled.

It adds zero value for me since the launcher used to start on the last selected favorite, which showed HTML content relative to WoW and had the huge Play button in the bottom left. It was fine as is.

Now, I can still one-click right after starting the launcher to start WoW, but the HTML content is all of ActiBizz games, not WoW. I don’t want to see Call of Duty info when my last played game was WoW.

They could:

  1. add an option to disable last-played and leave last set favorite as the start page
  2. update the start page to match the last-played favorite
  3. Admit there was no value-added and just revert the change altogether

Maybe for people that play more than just WoW did see some added value, but how much convenience is provided vs lost customization of the HTML content on the start page? I know beta feedback for the new launcher cited similar concerns, which were not considered in the finalized new version roll-out. So not hopeful for any change based on this feedback, but maybe if a lot of people want a particular disable option, we’ll get it.

That was not at all obvious to me, but it completely addresses my concern. I’d still like to remove the “Last Played” field, as it takes up space with no value added for me, but at least the HTML content is made relative by setting the ON STARTUP, VIEW field.

As noted not obvious to me as I looked at the app setting page before my post above.

P.S. Thank you for pointing this out!

I agree. It’s completely redundant. The top of Bnet for me now has icons like this: WoW, WoW Classic, HotS… Wow, WoW Classic, HotS.

Like… why… LOL

The big blue play button didn’t disappear though