New blizzard launcher

Any personal feelings over the new launcher?

It’s pretty?

But kinda awkward how they keep re-doing the launcher every two months it seems.

I feel like we JUST got a new launcher, not too long ago.

Like, your company is in the trash right now- go make good games instead of playing with the damned launcher.


Not a fan.

I already have trouble with dexterity (yay decades of pc use and maximum arthritis) and really liked the big, fat, blue
PLAY button.

Now it’s a tiny little thing, faded into the top row of a bunch of other tiny things in a row, and I couldn’t even find it when it first switched, I launched from my wow.exe.

I finally noticed that tiny little blue triangle and clicked it, only after missing it multiple times. Oh, that’s where it is!

Get used to these kinds of complaints, blizz, your fan base is getting older and with age, comes accessibility issues. You better get up to speed.


I literally do not care about the launcher


I dun like the new one.

I switched it back to the old version.


The redundancy of “last played” and “favorites” makes me wonder who in the design department did this at 4am while hyped up on sugar and caffeine.

My bar now has icons across the top that are WoW, WoW Classic, HotS… WoW, WoW Classic, HotS.


took me a whole min to find out how to launch wow from this. miss the old 1 it didnt have so much crap on it

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No strong opinions.

A little noisy (especially with pop ups), but being on the WoW page brought things back to normal. Since WoW is the last Blizzard game I’m playing these days, I don’t really need anything else.

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The launcher is annoying, on one hand its nice to have all my Blizzard games in a central place but I wish I could just log into one game and that’s it like I can with FF14…

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The big button is still there.

I don’t like that it defaults to the new section. I want it to default to World of Warcraft. It’s the only Game I play from Blizzard.

Why is that not an option for me to choose?


Main OP and then the next comment is a fix.

Ya I agree with that. It feels unnecessary. If I have a favorites bar of course the games I frequently play are gonna be on it.

Feels clunky / weird.


IMO… That is proof that it is not designed to be a game launcher, but rather an Advertisement Pusher??? I THINK SO.

The game launcher is simply a carryover to coverup the real purpose.

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I dont care about the launcher at all. Besides the part where it launches the game anyway.

  1. Click the logo dropdown
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click App
  4. Under the “On startup, view” dropdown, select “Last Viewed Game Page”

Now it displays the WoW page just like before. Including the big blue button.


I’d prefer it if the Game option was set by default to the game I played last so I dont have to keep moving away from the Diablo images. It just looks cluttered to me.

Aaaand I just saw Brewa’s comment. Thanks for that, I changed it and hopefully that will work.

Was looking for this, thanks.

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Ahem. :point_down:

Ahem Ahem Ahem Ahem Ahem :clown_face: