New BIG changes for hunter

Do you have the memory of a gnat or what? I all ready did that in another thread…

You love using that word. Hypocrite. But ironically you dont even realize that the biggest hypocrite here is you. I swear man you use that word like 20 times a day lol. Talk about projection…


You never linked anything that was real…

Should probably work on counting :slight_smile:

Feel free to show where I was a hypocrite. Been pretty straight up this entire time :slight_smile:
I still have yet to insult you.

I have my family on facebook. I dont mix the two.

Heres the thing. Whatever I link you just spin, deny, make a excuse for, say its not that big of a deal ect ect ect. I know your game. So I am not wasting my energy again. But we all know the truth bro.

Plz refer to above. Same applies.

Smartest thing you have said yet. I was just kidding anyways.

Go ahead and get your last word in bro. You are incredibly predictable. I still <3 you are my favorite delulu troll!

I macro both valley and salvo together in one button, salvo is not on the global cooldown, and they’re both 45 seconds CD, works perfectly, but yeah, they should just make it a passive.

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That’s a lot of words to say you can’t.

Because nothing you linked was valid. You won’t do it because you realize you can’t.

You mean where you can’t link anything valid?

I know.

Every new bow/xbow has a unique auto attack, the bow from nyalotha shoots fleshy arrows, sylvanas legendary bow shoots “bleak arrows” etc

Anyone play the rework yet, how big are your kill commands, that my fav part about BM hunter seeing the big number when I press KC.

Won’t the changes to Barbed Shot buff Pack Leader a bit? Black Arrow doesn’t reset Barbed Shot CD anymore but Pack Leader still has the choice node that does

  • Precise Shots has been updated: Renamed to Precise Shot – Now empowers your next cast of Arcane Shot, Chimera Shot, or Multi-Shot to deal 100% increased damage (was 2 casts at 70% bonus).

I’m surprised I’m not seeing more people talking about this change. Isn’t this a large nerf?

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Looks like BM is going back to Cobra Shot spamming…how disappointing.

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OT: Anyone seen Bepples’ alts? His hunter isn’t leveled :frowning:

This is like Bepples has returned.

Did the winter of his discontent rob the panache? For woe!

The old wall of insults being tossed between posts, and each making claims about the other side. It brings back memories of Bepple’s rhetorics.

Thought you were calling me bepples for a moment lol

Oh sorry no. Bepples is gone, at least on WoW forums.

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Think he quit wow good for him I hope to do the same one day lol

We all retire one day. Games last , but unfortunately we don’t.

No because you were clipping stuff to cast 2 before. Now the one does a bit more damage and you make up the difference and then some by using that GCD on something else that would otherwise be sitting there waiting for you.

Is it though? It’s not like you are still gonna cast 2 arcane shots with only 1 being buffed now. I’m guessing you’ll cast the 1 buffed arcane for double damage and then do something else. I could be wrong.

edit: Wrathlon already answered this. <3