New BIG changes for hunter

I could be wrong but i looks like an AOE nerf with less stomping. But would need a closer look

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AC penalty of 35% was removed, Thats to offset t he AC changes

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So they added Eagletalons True Focus or w/e it’s called to make it so Precise Shots is better managed during TS… but now they’ve made it so Precise Shots is always just 1 buff. So ETF is now a dead talent or what?

I really like the new Dark Ranger changes though and how Black Arrow replaces Kill Shot.

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So…it looks like barbed shot will be our main damage dealer instead of kill command for BM (or at least the button you have to press on every cooldown)?

lol…and all this time I never figured out why pets were doing less damage. Never realized animal companion was the talent cutting the damage (note to actually read the entire talent description in the future…d’oh!). Fixing that will also hopefully fix the aggro issues with pets so far this expansion.

Now the real question…about when are we going to see these changes in game?

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Where were these notes posted?


Either patch 11.0.2 or 11.0.5


Looking over the changes further…

Why doesn’t Salvo just become a passive for MM that’s baked into Volley?

ETF is removed.

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I’m curious how this work exactly.

Will it still be beneficial to take this talent or not?

To be more specific: it was beneficial to still take Animal Companion even with the 35% nerf to all your pets because it meant more damage output overall compared to not having it. However, with the removal (and the nerf to abilities) can we safely not take this talent and perform the same as if we took the talent?

I’m betting it will still be beneficial to take it, but I always wanted this talent to be cosmetic more than anything. I just want to go back to 1 active pet, but I don’t think this change will allow that to be effective.

It will be even more mandatory now.

They are removing the penalty for running the talent.

No, you will still take AC

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Thanks. I had double read the changes on WoWHead and didnt see it but i see it now in the actual notes lol

Extremely upsetting.

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Not just that, youll be nerfed even further if you for some reason didnt already take it and wont take it in 11.05

If they havent already done so, they need to make it a mandatory pick up


Ehh but then how will we chuckle when people dont take it?

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So, in terms of actual time, we’re probably going to be waiting a month or two.

More than likely mid November is the guess in my discord right now

Ah, ok.

Going to be a long wait. But at least changes are coming.

It is a bit disappointing that Pack Leader receives only two changes. The Talent tree should have received the same treatment as Dark Ranger.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was sometime within the 1st or 2nd week of November though.

So does that mean beast cleave was buffed by 35% with the removal of the animal companion debuff? The offset abilities didn’t include beast cleave