New AV Queues for everyone

Carried, phhhft most times I suffered from premade queue jumping.

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The best change to PvP would be to give us the system used in TBC. This isn’t a PvP system- it’s a literal train wreck happening over and over.

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Now there is the hyperbole we’ve all been waiting for.


Factions are equal when you account for cross server battlegroups. Far less alliance queue for BGs.

Would be interesting to see where you researched these numbers. Maybe an inside source at blizzard?


Who me?

Oh, I got my numbers from actually playing the game now… lol

I’m hearing WSG queue times decreased dramatically. Tears still nowhere to be found.

Or shorter queue times.

Oh wait.

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If that was a good incentive then we probably wouldn’t have the imbalances like we do, right?

I believe that queue is if you drop a game. Just don’t drop and you’re good

Wait, so did they extended Q time for Both factions ? I mean no insta q for Ally and no 35 min q for Horde ? But now, 5 min for ally and 40 min for horde ?

Am I missing something or they went full… ( product placement )

If faction transfers existed, that would be plenty incentive. But they dont and they almost definitely wont ever exist.

There is no incentive that wouldn’t be insanely overpowered that can convince 10s of thousands of players to essentially delete their account and start over.

If that was the case u wouldnt have 40min+ queue, maybe 15min.

Works for me.

Doubt it, there are faction transfers on Retail and it didn’t change the huge imbalances. I don’t think it would matter here either.

Based on what?

U first

Census data.

From blizzard?

From users logged in and counting characters. No need to be so obtuse. It might be inaccurate for overall counts because people make alts, but for ratios it is good tool.

The ratios for all US realms combined are exactly 50/50.