I havent touched my warrior much in DF, so I may have simply forgotten that MS did use the cleave character animation before with Sweeping Strikes active, and it wouldnt surprise me. Blizzard has a bad habit of changing something and forgetting something like that.
I really hope they will change this (or remove it) because the new arms warrior animations on the PTR are horrible for Colussus Smash and Warbreaber are horrible.
Good to see them planting their feet and not changing it despite the backlash. Never change, Blizz. /s
These animations for Colussus Smash and Warbreaber must be removed please! It’s too discrepancy between these animations and the warrior. It’s really disturbing to see these animations mostly when it’s for a spell so important for this class.
Please you really need to remove it or give us the option to not see these animations with a glyph. Using a glyph is really easy and it’s not so much difficult to make one we could use for this.
Yeah, a shame. Maybe theyll alter it again in 2 years based on feedback.
Well the patch isn’t out yet
Here is hoping they actually listen to their players, especially when it comes to things like these
Hope thats the case, but from my experience, it takes Blizzard a -very- long time to implement any changes based on feedback. An example I can give is the weapon placement for the DK spell Wraithwalk. For years since it was added, the weapon going over the character’s shoulder used the MonkIdle animation, causing the hilts of the weapon to not even touch the DK’s hand. It wasnt until mid-DF that this was finally fixed.
Not only that, but Glacial Advance was finally updated for this upcoming patch, and that spell came out in Legion as well.
Hell, Shattering Throw still has no real visual effects tied to it, and that ability’s been in the game since 2011. I just made this thing below because Ive been thinking about Warrior abilities that are still lacking.
Blizzard has been more proactive as of late in listening, I think, but I also dont really have a lot of confidence that theyll change anything this late in the patch’s development.
Well it’s only been a week since they went on the ptr. With the way development works I’d imagine today’s ptr release was already locked in by the time the feedback started pouring in. All we got regarding it this time is:
So I am more interested to see the patch notes for next week’s release. That will be far more telling. Because the feedback is absolutely pouring, here and on other sites. Basically no one likes these new animations! It’s one of the most unified responses I’ve see from the community in a long time.
instead of removing the new visuals they double down on it making display correctly
New animation still looks like a steaming pile of crap, there is no redeeming this abomination.
Just take the L and revert it, and take it back to the drawing board to redesign properly next patch.