What if we changed our mastery to a counter attack. It can do 75% of weapon dmg. Every time we get hit by a ranged attack in melee range we counter and everytime we get hit by a melee attack we counter every other hit. Or every 3rd hit. But if its 3rd or 4th then maybe 90% of weapon dmg. How would you guys feel about that. We are supposed to be pristine masters of the twohanded build that are thoughtful and strategic.
Edit and if they dont get hit then after 5 seconds they start doing extra swings or more dmg.
I think it would become a dead stat in many forms of content because you aren’t always being attacked.
DOA. Mastery instantly becomes worst stat since it’s too conditional. Even with the “every 5s get an extra swing” that’s just awful. Would rather have a flat power boost. Honestly, Mastery itself is a questionable stat at this point.
I mean weapon dmg is better then passive bleed. And it will give more people wanting to do mastery builds. The point is the play in the flavor of what an Arms warrior is. Its not a berserker that does more damage when it gets angry that’s furys thing. Arms is a tactician that will deliver blows when needed with devastating damage. So a counter attack fits perfectly with an arms warrior. And if the tactician is ignored it has time to either hit more often or hit in more critical points doing more damage.
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I thought Arms used to have this, it was called “Opportunity Strikes” and people still hated it because it wasn’t just a flat % to MS.
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The bleed mastery is pretty awful and is so out of touch of what an master of arms should be about.
I loved the extra swing alot of people I know loved it. But I dont want just a flat extra swing i want it to play in the theme of a tactician. You ignore a master of weapons then that master shall hit more often or twice as hard. If you push an assualt on the master they will counter many blows you do to them.
I liked it. I can’t always hit something and it gave me uptime on NPC’s/Arenas I wouldn’t otherwise.
They had a talent that was going to be added to bfa that changed on what you did depending on the type of weapon you held. That’s more or less a mastery I’d like. The bleed to me is dumb because it doesn’t play into the theme. I’ve had this warrior for a long time. I loved the talents of sword axe/polearm, or mace mastery. To me that is an arms warrior either a mastery that changes on the weapon type you use. Or my suggestion. Which is more or less old retaliation.
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Rogues and druids will thank you by not killing you today for saying that
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I was thinking more along the theme than how useful or powerful it is.
A master of armed combat has basically the same mastery as a feral Druid…
To me a master of combat like an arms warrior who is described by blizzard as a tactician wouldnt do minor bleeds constantly that is more of an Assassin or an angry cats thing.
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It isn’t. Physical damage is weaker than Bleed damage.
Besides that, Deep Wounds is an excellent Mastery for Arms. It does huge damage in just a few seconds, very strong, even for a DoT it is strong.
That’s what makes Arms a better damage spec than Fury, take it away and Arms isn’t quite as useful.
Deep Wounds might sound boring to you, but it’s true to the spec and class fantasy.
Being a tactician means more than the number of swings, but making them count, such as cutting arteries and weak points. Bleeding them out.
Ah but you see fury is better so no. Also a tactician does go for critical spots but if you cut an artery they’d die also the bleed dmg isnt big. It looks big because it’s a constant no long time and most sho rt time arms players enjoy this mastery. Also I litterally said making them count. And extra swings are more fun hitting hard as well. And sorry but a tactician would counter attack a lot.
Lol nnnnnnope. Fury is easier, and worse. Arms is more difficult, but more rewarding.
It’s the majority of Arms damage.
Ok first I main arms we know arms is worse then then fury in dps. The bleed for arms is its top dps because as I said its constantly on there. Also neither spec is difficult so let’s stop that lie. Arms warriors want a new mastery. Most of us do not enjoy the bleeds. They can make it go off our crits again fine. Also prot has deep wounds to so it’s not even unique to arms.
Most of us, meaning just you. People who don’t know always say “most of us!”, “lots of people!”, it helps make an argument more compelling than it is.
Anyway, you’re already not getting support for the idea in the OP, and I tried explaining why. Maybe Arms isn’t the spec for you.
First off people say everyone I’m saying most. Secondly dont try to tell me to not play arms when I’ve played arms since day 1. Third one person saying why it wouldn’t work is why I modified it. And 4th you dont understand the fantasy of an Arms warrior. I also see people saying they dont enjoy the bleed. Go troll else where.
Any mastery is better then a worthless doesnt make sense passive bleed that prot also has.
I’d maybe go to the col smash dmg increase but maybe give back retaliation to arms as well. But at the same time, maybe make deepwounds hown it used to be a passive talent. Not a mastery.