Hope we can keep the old animation. This is just noise
Its just ugly, the warbreaker went to a leap on the ground to a ww animation.
Just, uh…
Why? It doesn’t look good, the game is already filled to the brim with visual noise and the solution is to add more?
It doesn’t even make sense: The armor smash thing, sure, you’re doing more damage but what are the weapons supposed to signify? And why Hellreaver, of all weapons?
That the weapons are striking away from the target is weird.
I mean it’s kind of a strange animation overall but that one detail just confuses me.
I really hope they won’t put them in the game and they will let the old animations in retail like they are. Or just give us glyphs to keep the old animations or to remove the “ghost weapons” with the “impact effect” on the ground. Or we could also get glyphs to get these new animations for the ones who want them.
Yeah, I literally don’t know how that’s trying to convey damage being done lol. All the weight and impact of the effect is completely gone, but this could just as easily be a buff effect with a few minor tweaks.
Colossus Smash is alright, but the floating weapons should swing inward, not outward.
Warbreaker is an absolute miss, going from a shockwave to Whirlwind.
the weapons going inward would just make it look very similar to one of the paladin ablities (but look a lot worse). Honestly its already really similar to paladin SFX.
They just need to go back to the drawing board/
Yeah I’m not a huge fan of big magical spirit weapons.
They are definitely struggling with warrior visuals / class fantasy.
I didn’t understand what they wanted to represent in this animation. ghost weapons and don’t hit the target? why?
I imagined something with upward stroke starting on the ground, a fissure effect appears on the target, and the animation ends with shrapnel flying away .
This has “we have spiritual weapons at home” vibes.
How hard was it to animate the colossus smash icon instead of the generic armour that shows up and these falling swords look dumb. It looks like knockoff execution sentence.
Better Idea would us picking up a weapon ourselves, smashing it over their head (breaking the weapon and their “armor)” then swapping back to our own.
Got a thread going here.
So we got Pandaren npcs in Undermine cooking and managing stores among the Goblins in last PTR but still nothing about these horrible animations for Colossus Smash and Warbreaker for the arms warrior?
Not I don’t like it but between these horrible animations and some new npcs in Undermine, I’m pretty people are more concerned by these horrible animations for the arm warrior over adding new npcs in Undermine.
Its better to use the old one, we used to shathred the ground now we spin and some ghost weapons papear, they dont get the warrior fantasy right, they need to set a background, Titanic, blood magic or just unlocking a iner power, cause my human warrior as example, why the hell I turn into a stonve giant? Its literaly a dwarf racial, throw a eletric Hammer, another dwarf thing, Thunder clap too, almost every aspect comes from the Mountain king from wc3, it makes no sense for other races.
Some news and updates about these horrible animations for Colossus Smash (ghost weapons + “impact effect”) and Warbreaker (ghost weapons + “impact effect”) would be welcome.
ughhh, yeah these are terrible. I really hope they do not go live or allow us to glyph out.
Why put effort into making something worse than it was? This isn’t the warrior fantasy at all.
As the 11.1 seems to be coming soon, I hope we will get a glyph to hide or to show these ghost weapons for Colossus Smash and Warbreaker new animations.
I’m mainly speaking about the ghost weapons denaturing the warrior class. These ghost weapons are also too discrepancies with the warrior class. Being able to hide them with a glyph could make these animations better for Colossus Smash and Warbreaker.
Sure it won’t be perfect but, at least, people should have the choice to see or not these ghost weapons and it won’t be a significant change too (because now the patch is a release bandidate build).
I think it’s pretty safe to say many people don’t like these new animations for arm warriors so don’t add a glyph as they did it for the new shaman forms to give us the choice would be a big error.
People weren’t all happy with the new shaman forms so they added a glyph and people can choose between two forms now.
I really doubt they will redo entirely these animations for Colossus Smash and Warbreaker (they just made some changes for the new shaman forms and they added a glyph to give us the choice). So I prefer to get a glyph to hide these ghost weapons over nothing.
We will get the 11.1 at the end of the month and with this the Colossus Smash and Warbreaker new animations. I think we should get a glyph to hide or to show the ghost weapons for
When the new shaman forms were ready, many people didn’t like them and some glyphs were made to give to the shaman players the choice between two options.
It’s the same thing for the Colossus Smash and Warbreaker new animations: many people don’t like them so why not to give us the choice with a glyph to hide or to show the ghost weapons like you did for the new shaman forms?
More choice we have, better it is.