Hello everyone, I’m Jazashi. Most people seem to like calling me Jaz, so feel free to do the same!
I’m new to Wyrmrest Accord and I quite like it here. I’d like to post my case for finding a friendly, active role playing guild. I’m familiar with WoW Rp, but if I’m being honest, it’s been a hot minute. My last real stent with roleplaying was during Mists of Pandaria!
I myself am 30 years old and have a family, so I’m looking for a guild that’s pretty lax and casual overall. I raid and lead a small but active guild on another server, so I’m not really interested in a raid spot or progression. It’s possible that if things take off and go well here, I may transition Jazashi into my main.
That’s enough about me though. Jazashi is a young, newly arrived Zandalari warrior. She’s inexperienced and unattached, no family or real obligations to speak on Zandalar save for her mentor, Zul’rok. She’s looking to find her place in the Horde, and finally start her own journey through life in earnest. She shows potential through combat, the one thing she excels at, and has a respectful demeanor about her. She is, however, hot headed and impulsive.
I tend to make my characters a reflection of my own tenure with WoW, so for a long time I made my characters veterans or seasoned adventurers and the like, but with Jazashi I wanted to focus less on the past and more on the future! Her history if firmly in front of her.
Anyway, maybe there’s a guild out there that likes what I’ve got to say. If so, please feel free to leave a comment here or contact me in-game. Hit me in the pink or send me a letter, IC or OOC, I don’t mind! Thanks for reading.
P.S. Even if there’s no guilds that see this, if any individuals would like to Rp sometime, let me know!