New Allied Races?

I use to think of Allied Races as just reskins but since Kul’Tirans and possibly Vulpera I now think that they just have to be close to the original models. Vulpera appear to be same as Goblins just with a different head. So I think future AR’s could be:


  • Orc = Mok’Nathal (Hell yeah please!)
  • Blood Elf = San’Layn / Darkfallen (I’m not into elves but Vampires Elves = sign me up)
  • Troll = Ogre? or Forest Troll (are there forest trolls in WoW? I’d love one)
  • Goblin = Vulpera and Gilgoblin or Hobgoblin
  • Undead = Hozen
  • Tauren = Taunka or Centaur or Ogre?


  • Dwarf = Wildhammer
  • Gnome = Mechgnome and Gnolls or Kobolds
  • Night Elf = Keepers of the Grove
  • Human = Vrykul or Sethrakk?
  • Draenei = Broken or Botani
  • Worgen = Arakkoa and Jinyu


  • Pandaren = Murlocs and Naga
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Vrykul, Broken Draenei and, heh… High Elves

Honorary mention: Sethrakk.

Kul’tirans are still intrinsically similar to humans in ways and their rig isn’t new. This is a common myth. Vykrul and Male vengeance demon hunters use the same rig. And Vulpera have nothing in common with goblins other than their size and rig nor do they have any backstory connecting them to goblins and they aren’t goblins. Lets review. All races have always been the same racial type:

  1. Void elfs/night elf=elf
  2. Nightborne=blood elves=elf
  3. Mag’har/orc=orc
  4. Highmountain/Tauren=Tauren
  5. Dark Iron/Dwarf=Dwarf
  6. Zandalari/Troll=Troll
  7. Lightforged/Draenei=Draenei
  8. Kul’tiran/Human=Human

And of course there is the highly speculated mechagnomes that would fit in perfectly as an AR for gnomes.

I think id like satyr demons for the horde

lol omg xd!

I didn’t think druids practiced necromancy :joy:

For real though, why necro this?