New Allied Races Ahead! Kul Tiran Humans and Zandalari Trolls

Hey! Remember that HUGE feature of the expansion we advertised? Its FINALLY coming, just few more hoops to jump through to pad out our ‘time played’ metric and you can finally have access to this expansion feature!


You could also faction swap and it will give you the opposite rep…
But you’ll have to do horde/alliance side missions, and then when you swap back you’ll have to redo some quests.

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Fine…Whatever. How about Ulduar, Naxxramas, etc.

I don’t remember waiting for Ulduar wing 1 to be released, then Ulduar wing 2.

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you put this trash in the launcher like it was already out

i got on excited, thinking maybe there’d be something somewhat entertaining to do in-game, for the first time in a very long time

nice troll

thanks for wasting my time

it was almost as fun as forcing me to farm my garrison in WoD, except no payoff


Now that they gave us a date to look for I am wondering if we will also get the 50 characters on one realm also Ion said he would look in to getting. Gonna take what little wind is in my sails at getting an actual Zandalari release date out real fast if we don’t get those 50 at the same time.

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With Patch 8.1.5, not only do you get the new portal rooms, but you also get all 50 toons on one server, as well as Zandalari and Kul Tirans. Look it up on


Sorry Blizzard, nobody really cares anymore.


Awesome! Thanks man. I appreciate it.

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Conveniently 6 months after the 6-month subscription package with the boat that doesn’t float ends. Seriously, do you think we’re THAT stupid? You announced them for launch, and then realized you could get more money out of us by putting two sub traps following each other.


Only the Zandalari were announced for launch, however blizzard pushed them back to 8.1.5 because the Kul Tirans had to be built from scratch. And it made narrative sense for the Kul Tirans and the Zandalari to join the alliance and horde respectively at the same time.

So they pushed Mag’har Orcs forward to be with the Dark Irons.


Feels like the real trolls are Blizzard Entertainment.


I was wondering if the questline and reputation requirements for the Zandalari allied race was account wide. My monk currently is exalted with the Zandalari Empire, but my rogue did all of the questline completion requirements but and is only halfway to exalted! I’m farming out the rest of my rep on my rogue just in case.

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The reputation is account-wide, so if you were to switch factions, say from Horde to Alliance, the Zandalar Empire reputation would be translated into Proudmoore Admiralty. Sad thing is, you’d have to do the War Campaigns on the Alliance side of things, because to unlock a Kul Tiran, oneself must complete the Siege of Boralus dungeon, in Mythic difficulty, which gives you the quest A Nation United, upon turning in the dungeon quest in Boralus proper.

EDIT: You only need to do the War Campaigns, Reputation, etc., on just one character, and then you can unlock the Allied Races.

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The hideous moonkin form for Kul’Tiran Humans hasn’t changed on the PTR… so it looks like we’re stuck with it folks :frowning:

Is there some other way to get another moonkin form? Is there a glyph I can get that makes my toon blue and starry? Or was that a talent that was taken away that’s not coming back?

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You don’t need to do it on Mythic difficulty.

Actually, you HAVE to, UNLESS your ilvl is high enough for Heroic difficulty, in which, my ilvl was NOT high enough for Heroic difficulty, which forced me to do it in Mythic.

Glyph of Stars is what you’re looking for. It should be in the Glyph section, in the Auction House, and listed under the Druid tab.


Oh, that sounds very odd.

Not hyped anymore and probably won’t bother with either now.

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Yay! Happily await their release.