New alliance race -centaur

This is a horrible lie. They usually leave us the Quillboar and SOMETIMES the Gnolls and/or Ogres. You know, the races that next to no one wants (except Ogres, and even then they would probably be the rarest Horde race).

For the last damn time, I bathe, and yes in actual clean water. Even use those soaps the blood elves brought with them.

Shammy was far better than Paladin at the time the swap was done, and Blood Elves were the most interesting piece of writing Blizz put out in that era or really
 ever tbh. It was a total subversion and was enjoyable.

Still have my [Blood Tempered Ranseur] from BC. Still kill Darkhan and especially that spy of a Dwarf “Ambassador”.

Man those quests take me back I am so happy that zone was never changed.

Blood Elves belong on the Horde, and now that Thalyrissa and Lothremar are married, they shall always be on the Horde. You can have the tentacle elf traitors.

Edit- [quote=“Blastkrizzle-moon-guard, post:180, topic:501298”]
which will gets introduced with the Pandaren update?

It’s funny I remember playing MoP for the first time and being AMAZED at the fact that even the Pandaren stomachs jigled. For WoW that was groundbreaking. All the models were so high poly!

Now they look ugly in comparison to the rest. Not as bad as the Vanilla and BC races looked back then
 but pretty close.

They are only on Horde because of us Asian players requesting a beautiful race and because the faction imbalance was exactly the other way around (75:25). However, the Alliance is not being helped in the current situation due Horde bias. And that’s the problem here.

If the developers are one-sided, then we don’t need factions at all and it also the reason the whole system collapsed on itself because of the displayed bias. Doesn’t help either that the community did their best in destroying the faction system.

They still look great but are super bugged. The fangs don’t show unless you run, as an example. And they lack great armors and colors (which aren’t FOMO and CM), weapons and heritage options which shouldn’t be blue and red.

No wonder you smell so terrible!

I mean Alliance Bias was extremely prevalent up until Cata or so. To the point that Alliance had 2/3 of the territory, more quests, more everything.

Blood Elves were the one thing we had that the Alliance wanted. And, frankly, we knew it. Back then Belf players were ribbed, and hard. We were “Alliance wannabes” and what not. But it was fun. And it did help balance.

Anything that is out of balance now is nothing compared to back then. Maybe raiding and what not, but actual player balance was insanely out of whack then and is somewhat balanced now. Not perfectly, but better. And with cross faction groups
 at this point it doesn’t even matter.

But you have no clue how nice it was when we “lived” in mud huts and had next to nothing, when crossroads was always under attack, etc to finally have something that the other side wanted. It felt good. Silvermoon was the most beautiful city in the game at the time, IMO, though Ironforge had it’s own beauty.

 I miss those days. Classic will never scratch the itch it was the community we built back then. Sadly the server has about dried up too but I’m old and don’t want to leave.

Wasn’t Alliance-bias over after one expansion, with the Blood Elves? People always say that many swapped over back then, with PVP taking a hit during WoD which ultimately brought everyone over to Horde.

High Elves belong on the Alliance and I’m glad they got them now with the 9.1.5 patch. It was unfair giving the Alliance an undesirable race with the Void Elves, it was a direct spit into the face, it was customer-unfriendly and ruined everything for everyone going forward. The Void Elves should have been a hero class in the upcoming Void expansion but no, Ion Hazzikostas and his team surely enjoyed their childish stand so much that it generated five years of people fighting daily about High Elves. It was that much of a wrong decision.

No. The Blood Elves were to stop a symptom of the bias- which was low player count. It did not stop the bias of the time which favored the Alliance story, the Alliance characters, the Alliance everything.

High Elves are exactly what I point to when I look for forum QQ. It was literally over a decade of people crying for something when they already had it if they just changed factions.

You can’t play a Tauren as Alliance. Garithos was a jerk. The Dwarf spied on us and the Kael’dori spied instead of helping us. The Forsaken helped us. We joined the Horde. 90% of High Elves died. Another 10% became Wretched. Another ?% of the remaining followed Kael. Following a series of war a tiny percent of less than 10% of all Elves decided to dabble with the Void and become Alliance.

 yeah. Even the High Elves were stated as around 10% of the 10% that survived and the Blood Elves were few and far between to start. At this point even if they are playable they are doomed to die out. Especially with the endless war.

This is one of the few times I agreed with Ion. As soon as Alliance got VElf’s they wanted more instead of being happy with what they got.

The ONE thing that we got that was nicer than the Alliance had to be taken away because the Alliance can never have their toys, they also want the other factions toys too.

I would like to see the new allied raced be the Dragonkin similar to the NPC Sendrax. I also enjoyed the armor on Commander Lethanak (same type of dragonkin) it would be nice if armor could be that flattering on our characters. Let them able to play Evoker for obvious reasons, potentially even other classes would be even better.

I honestly wanted them as another body option for the Dracthyr. This did not happen but hopefully they could be added as an allied race at the minimal.

Speaking of the Dracthyr there is a lot of individuals upset that the new race is pretty much a recycle. So it can’t be classified as a new race. I am supportive with this statement. I was vocal several months ago about my overall unhappiness with it and several others shared the same sentiment. This is not a new race. We would like a new race. This expansion would be the time to address this matter.

Also I have heard the permanent visage form has bugs and will not stay in visage form. I would like to have that bug fixed.

I have not yet personally purchased the expansion. I would love to see issues addressed and have an excuse to actually purchase it. As I have been looking at small clips to get insight of how the game is going. I am hoping they are able to listen and incentivize. My problems with the new race/class are pretty important matters and have kept me away from purchasing this expansion.

Then you also know that we only have 10-20 canonically Void Elves too, yes? That’s the whole problem. High Elves made also more sense going forward. But thankfully they bent their knee and I was happy for them seeing their goal being fulfilled, after years of community harassment through us Horde-players.

The Alliance is a low-class minority faction, not truly cared enough to justify their existence because they only get the scraps nowadays. Most of the AR are bad, they have not good enough racials to make an impact or are disliked character designs (too much “human” or “gnome”). Their raiding presence has been ruined through Horde racials, the forced feedback loop also destroyed any chance on giving the Alliance a presence they once had.

The only thing they have going for them is the story-part. They are the main characters, without them nothing would work or be important (cosmic dangers).

Nope, nope, and nope.

I’ve never gotten this argument.

Mechagnomes are amazingly fun, and have an entire zone dedicated to them. My only Alliance toon is a MechaGnome, well the only one I play.

Y’all got Werewolves because you didn’t have enough “savage” races.

You got Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves which both have basically entire stories dedicated to them (though I will admit the Nighborne did too from that expac).

You canonically win every conflict.

From a Horde point of view you aren’t getting scraps you literally get everything we could ever want, and then you want what we have too.

Mechagnomes aren’t liked enough and we have to see the upcoming raid if they make a splash. Otherwise they are a failed race concept which nobody wanted even on the Horde-side.

Those “werewolves” have been mocked by the developers recently (good old Blizzard humor), needed several revisits to nail the design down, can’t use their claws to attack melee, have no tail and lack customization options. Still an after thought race if it wouldn’t be for Greymane’s presence - as a human.

The Void Elves don’t have a whole zone to them. It’s about Alleria alone, because she is not the same type of Void Elf the players plays which was a main issue in the beginning. You can also admit that the HMT got a whole zone dedicated to them.

Who is “you”? I’m a Horde-player but I can see that the Alliance is a laughing stock and people enjoy the misery of others. I don’t stand for this. And yes, the Alliance is always supposed to win. If you have read the books, then you know how powerful their heroes are.

We Horde-players only suffer through bad writing. But otherwise? The favored faction by the developers. Diversity. 75% of the player-base.

No one wants to play the evil faction so they can play High elves. Never made sense, High elves are about civility, the Horde are about savagery. Besides, everything listed here is small potatoes compared to what the Horde did to them. Orcs have in the second war burned their forests, Scourge attacked and destroyed their home and source of magic. And Thrall’s new horde has all the races that the elves have been at war with.

It is fair to say that there was a shift in perception when Alliance-players switched to the Horde to play a Blood Elf. They wanted both sides at the same time without the grey morality actions done by the Horde.

That is not what the Horde was about at the time, nor now. Thrall’s Horde was all about bringing together outcasts and banding together. Trolls which had been displaced. Orcs which escaped internment camps. Tauren who had just settled down. Forsaken who
 had no where else to go and whom the Tauren vouched for. A group of Elves, helped by the Forsaken when everyone else stood by, absolutely made sense.

Yes they had previously fought the Orcs. But the Orcs aren’t who they met: there is a reason they start as neutral with everyone but the Forsaken. They were saved by one who was once the Ranger General of Silvermoon, and we even had a quest to give her a locket from Windrunner Spire.

Even our quests back then reflected this. 99% of our quests were about survival. Fighting back quillboar for the Orcs and Tauren and Trolls, as well as Murlocs and Naga. Pushing back the Forsaken. We were 100% on the peace train until Garrosh.

Nevermind that the Forsaken =/= Scourge. If anything, the Elves would just know that the Human prince of the leader of the Alliance led the attack.

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Pardon? /10

Cataclysm quests we got a tribe to join and then they
 did nothing. Like, I don’t think they are even mentioned in any of the sidestories they just technically joined the Horde as part of the main quest of a zone. Maybe Desolace? I think it was the zone that used to have the grey ground and the demon summoning and the two warring centaur tribes but it’s been a while since I leveled down there. Was one of the first areas I did for Loremaster just because of how drab the scenery was.

Ah hell naw. No wonder the Grimtotem are acting out.

Eh the Grimtotem started acting out before that, when Magatha poisoned Garrosh’s blade (without telling him) in his Mak’gora against Cairne.

After that Garrosh refused to help her and she fled into exile with her tribe and became anti-Horde and anti-Alliance.

WoW (pun intended) the fact that I have somewhat memorized almost 18 years of lore since I started playing
 yeah I am indeed a nerd lol.