New AH Text: Items in this group may vary in stats and appearance

The 9.0.1 pre-patch added a new description to all items within the weapons, armor, and battle pets categories on the default auction house.

"Items in this group may vary in stats and appearance. Check the auction’s tooltip before buying."

Is there a way to hide this text? A new cvar perhaps? The text is displayed on every item in those categories and is a waste of space if you’re not new.

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You can nil the globalstrings but then there will still be a trailing newline whitespace; turn it into an addon with


This can be worked around by replacing it with a dummy function but it only works for the battlepet one as the other one does not seem to do it in framexml

/run AuctionHouseFrame_LoadUI(); AuctionHouseUtil.AppendBattlePetVariationLines = function() end

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