New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

You think people who rightfully feel disgust at this are all jobless? How deluded can you be? Just because you lack self respect and don’t see why blizzard milking the playerbase for every extra cent they can get is immoral and disrespectful to the playerbase, doesn’t mean that others can’t.

Clearly, you didn’t play in the era of gaming where this nonsense would’ve been unheard of and met with universal fury.


Clearly this thought hasn’t crossed your mind, but have you considered people buy things because they “like” them or do you only buy things you like to brag/upset people or because you “need it” ?

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90 bucks is a lot of money, sure…but its better than the 500+ the last one would have cost me, so Im gonna take my lumps and walk away quietly, lol

yep, exactly the utterly predictable, utterly lackwit, comment that adds nothing to the discourse or value of the thread I anticipated. There is a difference between poor and stupid, although another South Park reference, they can go hand in hand

Was that the same era you had to blow the dust off cartridges for it to work at all?

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I’ll probably end up buying it because I can afford it and want the convenience. I’ll be ashamed to use it because this is just evil.

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From there, up until around 2010. yeah. And things were better back then, make no mistake.

i feel good not buying it.

like i’m a member of the resistance against a shady movement.


Da hell is wrong with your face lol?

And parental raising, and social pressures (AKA forces outside of control for younger generations) are the culprits. I don’t think a bunch of 20-year-olds are the ones designing and making wow after all nor are they really in charge of anything yet. Thats all the older folk…

power to the people! :slight_smile:

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When a night elf and a tauren love each other very much…

I bought a few handguns that were well into the ‘absurd’ price range given that I could have spent 1/4 of the price for a gun to do the exact same thing.
Thing is, I love Beretta…so I’ll pay the extra for the name.

As you say, I buy what I LIKE, not what someone else thinks I should buy.

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Let’s be honest, what kind of response to this post won’t result in a label of “white knighting” from you? You’ve already spoken down to everyone from your soapbox, so clearly don’t care to hear anyone’s arguments for or against your point.


Drama Queen.

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I feel ya.
I felt EXACTLY the same not getting myself worked up trying to buy the first one.
I have engineering on all my characters, so AH’s everywhere…and I normally have my garrison AH up and running too on most of my alts.
VERY easy AH access without this mount if you have Eng and your garrison set up, so totally not really needed.

I bought it because Ive been trying to find something I wanted for my birth day on the 5th and this was literally the only thing thats popped up in MONTHS that Ive had any interest at all in, lol

Lots of posts saying how “disgusting” and “predatory” blizz is for this mount but the majority of players seem to love it.

Selling like hotcakes

Dinosaurs as far as the eye can see :sauropod::sauropod::sauropod::sauropod:

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I have tons of self respect, and it is only MILKING if the playerbase has no other choice but to pay. They have a choice. This mount is optional. There has been a Cash shop since 5.4.2, and this mount is the FIRST to upset the folks who wasted a month farming gold for a mount that is no longer in the game and the 6 years of being spotted for having it. Now, a BETTER version has arrived, and Blizz offers it up for people who want it.

Also, as someone who was playing video games in 1979 for $0.25 a pop in an Arcade, your “universal fury” hyperbole is a load of Blanche manure. No one is forcing you to buy it. Considering you already own every other store mount, this one should be a shoe in… unless you are just pissed that it is more than $25 or doesn’t come with a 12 month sub.

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It’s not predatory. No one is being tricked. No one is being forced. It’s completely optional.


Dude its two hours of work, it’s not that serious. If you can’t afford it or don’t want it, then don’t buy it. Stop insulting people who do. Obviously there is a want for it or it wouldn’t even be a topic right now. immoral lol its a freaking video game,relax.

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