New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

Well played good sir.

I’ll be getting it for the angry whale whispers that are bound to come with it.


Are they taking your mount away? Or at least 4 years of your life that you had it to this day?

Don’t get me wrong, I despise the way they’re bringing it back, cash grabing clear as water, after releasing the buggiest patch i’ve ever seen.

The worst part isn’t that this is coming back, but that its an overpriced paid FOMO, which looks like desperation.

I used gold didnt coast a thing 30$ one is only 422k

I went to buy it, thinking it would cost 20-25$ like basically every other mount on the shop. Outside of the transmog bear, this would have been the only other mount I’d ever purchased.

Then I saw that $90 price tag and just laughed. Talk about insulting lol.

Idk, I am kind of in agreeance at this point. Game seems to be struggling hard and now that they’re doing cash grabs on the store to this extent… I wonder if this is it and WoW is finally starting to die off.

Cause this… this is ridiculous, lol.

Also… this is supposed to be a celebration! An exciting time for all to enjoy the fact that this game has been around for 20 frikin’ years (over half my life!)… This mount should have been this years “anniversary” mount.

But, ya know, corp greed n all.

No way you guys are serious, celebrate 20 years of WoW by GIVING US 90 FREAKING DOLLARS FOR A MOUNT ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Anyone who bought this should be ashamed of themselves, this is absolutely disgusting. Shame on you Blizzard.


I fully understand and support this….i did say “maybe”. I actually set that balance aside for the next expac. Not really sure I want to spend it on a mount.

At least anyone who buys this one can rest easy knowing that it’s never going to be available in-game lol

Issue is mount is limited time

I just don’t know if I should get this, or the annual sub

Yeah that’s my thing, I tend to buy tokens over time for the next expansion, don’t really have the desire to blow them on this mount, especially since I have the BFA bruto.

more sales, no doubt, if its $90 instead of 5 million gold.

90 bucks is nothing.
Ppl go out on dinners and spend like 400 bucks to eat empty plates and say it is good.

I’m just laughing at some figures here complaining about “making other ppl rich” LMAO.

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I mean… someone did have a fair point… around 1mil gold for tokens to buy it through Blizz balance… or pray you can get it on the BMAH for 10mil gold.

Or you could use one of the multiple mailbox toys. Or play a nightborne. Or an engineer. Or fly 12 seconds in any given direction and find one.

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Even if they do, its worth the money they’ll make with this overpriced FOMO cash grab at least short term.

Im scared where the game is going since looks like they’re cashing in now

I literally just bought it and im already bored with it :joy: :joy:

LOL, at 30 th anniversary. There will be another Brutosaur with AH, mailbox, and professional bench for 120 bucks.

Those people too are idiots.

Blizzard is making more money out of this Mount than they made out of Diablo 4 expansion.

Lol, I get to try to buy a token once every minute… while it keeps erroring out each time I do.

Wonder when I can actually be allowed to purchase a token.