New addon author - where to go for questions, documentaiton, explanations, etc.?

Hi there folks!

I’m a member of a couple discords, Curseforge and wowinterface forums but I’m not finding documtation concerning functions we can access or historical conversation relevant to those starting out with writing wow addons.

Is there a wiki, forum, discord, etc that is a safe place for those starting to work with addons? I’ve got a ton of questions and just not sure where is the best place to get them answered.

Thanks for your time!

I assume these are the couple discords?

Have you seen

This will kind of help you out with that

Nope, just gotta stumble around, ask questions in those two discords and tinker.

There is also an Blizzard API forum with a “Getting started thread”

The Blizzard WoW UI and Macro thread has relevant sticky posts too

It has important threads like this UI Add-On Development Policy

I learned basic API calls from an old site called It hasn’t been updated since Wrath. I think it’s a companion to a book.

Hi there Zemus, that site doesn’t come up and the wayback machine has no record of it. Perhaps you’re misremembering the URL?

Take out the hyphen, it’s still up. I couldn’t remember the exact URL.

Unfortunately there’s nothing anywhere close to as cohesive as the documentation for various “real” platforms, e.g. iOS, Android, and Windows. I wish that weren’t the case, because as a mobile app dev I’m used to being able to pull up a reasonably fleshed out page for any given task/function/etc which is only occasionally true for WoW UI stuff. Takes a lot of the fun out of addon development.