I just came back after a few years, but had to create a new account because I lost credentials for my old account/email.
I’ve purchased a subscription and leveled to 25, but when I attempt to purchase anything on the AH it says ‘free trial accounts cannot perform that action’. When I google this message I see that wow Classic has a 30 day restriction on trading etc. for new accounts as an anti-betting measure; does this also apply to regular WoW? If so, is there any way for me to get mats for professions other than farming them?
I was going to spec into blacksmithing and crafting, but if I need to generate my own mats I’ll have to trade one of them out for the appropriate gathering profession until the 30 day period is up then switch it back, effectively wasting the time I spend gathering mats (outside the xp and monetary value, which I’m not super interested in). Ideally I’d just like to RBG/random dungeon my way to 70 and train crafting professions along the way. Is this not possible for the first 30 days?