What is this blasphemous ability you guys have now that rips me across the map back to the ww?! Most busted thing I’ve seen since DH! Needs to be nerfed into the ground asap
#1: It’s called Clash.
#2: It has a 1 minute cooldown.
#3: Movement immunity cancels it and puts it on cooldown.
#4: It has been nerfed twice already - 30s CD → 45s CD → 60s CD.
$5: If all of this information isn’t enough you have bigger issues to work on than a pseudo Death Grip.
nerf it more
Honestly I was surprised it was such a long CD. Should be 30s still TBH…
As strong as it is hell no. Literally ripped me across the map when I was Los from him that’s fried
60s is exactly where it should be. 45s was too strong and 30 is criminal.
Oh you would have loved clash at MoP release. We used to be able to clash people up steep slopes and get them stuck halfway down the slope. The only way to get out was hearth or hope someone came and shot them to death.
Ive played since BC and I don’t ever remember this being an ability that ww’s had crazy
Dont think its a talent people pick alot of times. Theres better pvp talents out there. Its just a fun gimick ability.
It’s not a talent. It’s a class tree node.
Every build should be running Clash. Especially Mistweavers.
Ill be honest im with the warlock ive rarely seen people use it. But i havent done many solo shuffles with ww so idk
It was bugged beyond belief when MoP released, they could never figure out how to fix it, so they just removed it entirely in early MoP. It was added back into the game much later.