New 9.2 brawl is a solo queue testing zone

I’m amazed the Arena System hasn’t already transitioned to having all players click OK for the arena to actually start. It probably would work that way for SoloQueue but it makes it easy for people to snipe queues and dodge queues if t worked like that for actual arena


dude i want to play the game im not looking for nostalgia or a static

i literally had to play with over 30 different partners to get glad in season 1 of shadowlands i may as well have been in solo queue


thanks for the feedback :smiley:

A thousand times this! If I can play the game, I can stay subbed!


soloq is bad.

Anyone who says otherwise is just on the ret paladin youtuber hype train because they can’t think for themselves let alone think in general.

This is skirmishes but as a brawl. Skirmishes have hidden MMR, they give you rewards. How is this any different? I’m all ears.

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“Anyone who disagrees with me, can’t think for themselves” lol


Can’t wait to see the whining when no healers queue solo queue and every hybrid gets all the rage whispers.
Going to be amazing

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Wow someone actually realizes one of the core fundamental problems with soloq.

And the soloq activist solution to this is “Just make it so you NEED a healer to get in the game”

Proceed to wait 15 minutes just to lose because outcomped and outgeared
Go to forums and cry about soloq needing fixes
Rinse repeat until soloq is removed because it’s a terrible system

People literally can’t think like humans anymore lmao

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You quickly turned into the most annoying non dozer poster here

If you don’t want to play it don’t q it. Just as you don’t see a point in people wanting this I don’t see a point in you trying to predict it’s lack of success just for the chance at an “I told ya so” later on


Because we already have walking proof of what solo queue will be like.

Warmane WOTLK 3.3.5 Solo Queue. You sit ~5m+ queues at 2k+ to get into games, regardless of if 2s or 3s. Admittedly this is a private server with substantially less players than retail (Though I’d argue that to be wrong in the current state).

And the requirements for said solo queue is that you HAVE to have a healer for 3s, not for 2s. The problem being, you’re going to 95% of the time get a healer who is actually trying to be good, learn, and improve every game.

And the problems with that translated to retail? There’s a LOT more people here that are new to PVP, the game in general, a spec, etc… That will cause frustration. 2k players, such as Dozer, will flame these people for not understanding what to do and cause said healers to leave the PVP scene when they don’t have friends because it’s not fun to deal with scum that think they’re hot, like yourself and the ego you tried to show off in your own response, and will effectively quit the solo queue.

ALl of this will culminate in solo queue dying and having longer queues than normal queueing 3s or 2s.

But please tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about. I mean I just spent half an hour watching warmane vods of solo queue to make sure I had my queue timers correct.

Don’t get me started on the DPS problems either.

Edit: And don’t forget about the gearing issue!
I don’t need to read all the forum posts of people praising the Lord for solo queue being added without thinking of literally every problem that’s going to cause it to crash and burn hard.

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You’re acting like this will replace something that you hold dear to you when it won’t. If it sucks nobody will q it and that’s fine, the game is literally in the same spot that it is now.

Some people actually treat wow like a video game and not a full time job, and don’t use their 3s rating for validation in other areas of their life. People like yourself that are against solo q are either controlling and opinionated or play this game 40 hours a week. I’m guessing you’re both


It absolutely will replace real arenas because peolpe will be more incentivized to just get on and queue by themselves instead of grinding out the real stuff. If your team isn’t on? Guess what, solo queue. Oh wait, waiting 8 minute qs for solo queue? Guess I’d rather just log off and not do either. Crazy stuff.

And that’s interesting that I use my 3s rating + play 40 hours a week. I work a full time job and have logged on for a total of… 6 hours? in the past month. You really should do your research before you say things that simply aren’t true :).

But hey, if we want an ego flex I can flex my rating real hard. Wouldn’t be hard and would put you back in your place. I don’t care what people what, they can have their opinions, but people like you who blindly follow trends are the people that need to learn when to be quiet. You want what you want without thinking how it impacts anything else.

I don’t get how your ego is so inflated when you got Glad at the tail end of Bfa s4 and getting Glad as a Windwalker in SL S2. If you can tell me the downsides of them adding a brawl to test solo que I’d love to hear it. What if it’s fun? We’ll never know till we try it I guess huh?


I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten more r1 titles than you’ve years on this game. But hey, you know better than me.

And you’re absolutely right, soloq could be fun! But hey, soloq is going to definently fix the balancing of the game and make everyone want to play because we’ll queue into the same garbage and die to the same garbage every time :slight_smile:

Source: my stream. Feel free to hit me up there. I gotta head to work now though.

At no point did I claim a “deep understanding of PVP and the small things within it” and I wouldn’t care if you got r1 every season or was a Multi-Blizzcon champion, stop acting like a sperg on a forum thread


Solo Que is needed. But also needs to be it’s own set of ladders apart from premade.

Solo Q for RGB would be great. Not sure how they solve the tank imbalance issue though. Flag running with DH Tank vs Prot Pally? Haha.

More accessable PvP with proper rewards/gearing… People would play this.


You can’t solo queue RBG, it’s simply impossible to set that up and have it functionally work for people.

Like I mean it’s not impossible, but the probability of people actually queueing it up there and enjoying it is something else. Not many people enjoy RBGs as is, it’s mostly just a means to an end if you don’t like pushing it.

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If they wanted to do solo que RBGs they’d have to do some kind of draft system and make every tank viable to flag carry. This would be a huge project that I can’t imagine happening

Question here for solo Q:

Will the matchups pair you with healers by default? Or will there be an option for this?

I personnaly think the biggest flaw with the skirmish system right now (appart from the fact they practically reward nothing) is that you can’t select 3v3 over 2v2.

As I mostly play skirmishes for trying out different talents and builds, it quickly becomes irrelevant when being constantly paired with another DPS in 2v2 scenarios (for example).

I would be happy to stay in queu longer knowing that the matchup is predetermined.


This is more effort than you needed…

Just take skirmish and make it rated. It’s not a hard concept to implement at all.

Trying to balance around meta comps isn’t worthwhile. Bad matchups happen in any format. You get what you get. If you don’t like it, go build a comp in LFG.