New 9.2 brawl is a solo queue testing zone

You literally just described LFG.


Sounds fun to me


That also didnt give any rewards or anything. It was also only used a lot because its a private server which gave instant 80 with full gear with a relatively good balance due to it being wrath and was free.

Great job Blizzard! I can not wait to a try solo queue!

Hopefully they get good results for this so we can get a rated version!


you realize you don’t need rewards for competitive players to enjoy themselves right?

competition is the reward itself

also you actually DID get rewards based off of the rating you achieved - the base gear you get was not bis

idk how you think wotlk was balanced whatsoever

retail has more players than private servers as well so the point you’re trying to make about it being free is weird

Solo queue wont be competitive, so without rewards what is the point of solo queue other then just playing the game? All they have to do is add a mmr to skirms and its exactly the same thing.


we literally have more proof of it being competitive than it not being competitive

you’re just reaching


What proof do you have of it being competitive because it wasn’t the wrath server.

please enlighten me on how the wrath server wasnt competitive

it had a ladder/leaderboards, the content was enjoyed by high level players, and the WCM videos got more views than the retail arena videos at the time


It had Rated Leaderboards sure but if you actually looked a the solo queue leaderboard the rating capped out at 2000-2100 quite a lot even though it generally had FAR more casuals playing it. They should still have it cached on the website.

it capped that low because it didnt have the same playerbase that retail does

it was also niche for its time but that doesnt mean it wasnt competitive

the cap could be 500 but if there are still amazing players participating at the high end then it’s still competitive you dont need 3200 rated players for that


So I read the article but it doesn’t really say what you get from solo que. are you able to achieve 3v3 rating from this? Is it its own bracket? Will you obtain pvp currency if you end up winning??

Or is it just some it hung you can solo q for like random bgs only 3v3 version

it’s currently going to be tested as a brawl when it’s released to see if people even want it - so same rewards as any other brawl

Sounds like a good brawl, but I think it misses the point behind solo queue.

If it is fun I hope they make it available all the time instead of just in the brawl rotation.

I expect it to be half baked though. The whole dueling thing in BFA was never given enough attention to succeed.

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Hmm, I mean I guess it’s atleast interesting. But if there is no way to earn any sort of rating where you get tossed in with players around that solo que rating you achieve, no conquest then it’s dead on arrival.

Needs to be competitive with currency available. If not I can’t see this being anything special at all.

Playing a tank usually gets people tilted.
10/10 recommend lol

i’m all for more variety

i won’t be touching solo q with a 10 ft pole but i hope the people that want it can get it and find some entertainment from it


This is the right attitude to have.

The consumer/player will decide if it’s successful or not.

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its a great first step. its honestly amazing. they are doing something provided by the pvp playerbase and their feedback. they should honestly get praise for this. regardless of how it plays out because they are trying to get solo q figured out.

im not even kidding. they need a clap of the hands for this one.


you’re the bad egg with regards to that saying, ‘one bad egg ruins it for the rest of us’.

im sure that makes you proud though.