Look at the special community being special together
Thanks for the laugh
Look at the special community being special together
Thanks for the laugh
Didn’t mean to leave you out
True to extent, but mostly a myth
Now please balance the damn classes appropriately so everyone can get invited to 12s.
I’m not like a fantastic player, probably middle of the pack, pushing a bit beyond that.
And it’s a mount that seems achievable to me.
I think that is part of the problem is that people are assuming who this mount is for but they are off a bit on that assumption.
That being said, everything in this game rewards players with different things. I have recently begun looking at my battle pet achievements and seeing things I can try for in it. It will take a long time. Hahe
The more rewards the better! I recommend mythic plus as a fun thing to get into for those that haven’t. It can be challenging and it does require you to research your class rotation slightly, but the first mount for ksm is very achievable!
Rally some people together or list up your own keys! Give it a go and see if it can be done. It’s what pushing is all about.
Yea, 12s are a high key for sure, but it’s nothing crazy when you see how far people go with them
If the mount was awarded for clearing like full 19s, that’d be a different scenario cuz thats really when its only specific classes can do it territory
Blizz probably is looking at where slightly above average mythic players are hitting a wall, and this is a challenging spot for people to break. It’s a motivator to give it a bigger try. Plus the 12 keys not breaking if failed after a certain score is going to make this even more tempting.
Wont lie, forgot entirely about the no key depletion bonus as well
This was somewhat a reason why I didn’t push too hard. I could have tried with my own key but I was mostly just joining others as a healer. After 11s I was hesitant to join 12s in the fear I wouldn’t be able to do it. I tried one and we actually almost had it but after that I was like… meh don’t want to screw up peoples keys. Lol
Listing my own 12s in the hope for completion to just get used to them would have been the next step. But that would also require keys breaking and getting them back up again and again.
I’m a player that can do mechanics and play a class okay but also I don’t have the knowledge that some do here. I think that bit of class knowledge is making a difference, and for me actually pushing myself into the content and trying to learn to refine my skills is how I progress.
I’m excited for season 2 now more so than before. This mount is good.
Special snowflakes out in full force huh?
I only have seen one snowflake tbh.
“Whaaa. Someone else got something I didn’t get”
The funniest part is, they were getting angry at people who were saying we’ve never done 12s before and will be working to push towards this new reward.
They’re upset other players are willing to push beyond their comfort zone for new rewards while they just cry about how it’s too hard for them to even try.
KSH completion is currently sitting at 11% according to WH. That’s pretty high, and if M+ difficulty comes down even slightly there’s room for a meaningful % of players to go for KSL. Anyone who had KSH a month ago is certainly capable of getting 12s, but I can’t see how many it was at the time.
Besides, it’s only a recolor. Even if there’s no other source for the gobspider mount model, KSM will remain as easy to get as it has been the past 3 years.
Hah i got 3 day ban for saying snowflake to someone
You’re a liar. I never got angry at all.
I only said you guys have a “need” to feel special or the rewards aren’t worth it to you.
It’s like the exclusivity is literally the only reason you care about it at all
And for some reason that caused you guys to get mad even though it’s the truth.
Sorry, what is this a recolor of? I can’t find this info.
That one looks alot better than the 2850 one, might go for that next season
I consider it yet another failure of the squish.
People like higher numbers. 20 key levels was appropriate. They squished it to 10 instead.
And now within one season of that change happening we are inflating rewards from 10s to 12s in a concrete fashion by adding a mount to 12s. Bad changes followed by unnecessary changes. I’m amused if nothing else.
That said I’m probably not going to bite on this bait and will continue to get my portals and call it good at farming myth vaults.
I don’t think it’s “exclusive” at all. It’s just a reskin of the KSM mount.
It’s just a new reward to work towards, that’s it.
You keep making up reasons as to why we’re okay with there being a new reward when there isn’t one. Blizzard is adding it in and we’re okay with doing the work to get it if we want it.
The only person looking to feel special in this tread is you.