If you leave too many, you get banned.
Nothing changes.
If you leave too many, you get banned.
Nothing changes.
ouch that is a grim outlook for the pug scene in s2 with this new ksl mount. 1 wipe in a pug will bring a failed run almost guaranteed. and with no points to be gained with a failed run and 30-40mins to be wasted it looks like blizzard needs to get on this somehow.
gonna be a ton of backlash and a ton of bans the way its looking.
There wasnt a ton of bans for people going after portals. There wont be for this either.
Not everyone is a jerk. Very few actually are. Granted, the jerks tend to be more vocal, so it feels like there are more of them.
But it will be fine.
I agree that any spec can get to 2850, but there are exactly 19 brewmasters above 3300 in the world. Brew could use some help.
Even if it at least made sense
Celestial brew’s shield is less than an ignore pain
all im seeing is you and the other weirdos tbh. 35k posts is not healthy and neither is that ego of yours
You seem like a hostile individual
you and your friends need to go touch some grass, damn
Because… people were happy to see a new reward?
look at how much you post in here, it says it all about your in-game playtime and that is not healthy at all
Interacting people is bad now
What a world
Also near 30k achievement points trying to talk about other peoples playtime like you aren’t addicted lol
I’m playing very casual right now its indeed not healthy how i’ve played before. At least i’m not at 37k like you though that would be ridiculous
What do you feel I am being egotistical about?
Nah, probably just hiding on a forum alt.
i havent touched raid or m+. barely pvpd
I dont know what you are looking for here.
Is that why you are so concerned about the 2850 mount?
I’m just amazed at weirdos like you defending this
Defending what? Specifically?
You feel its weird to have rewards for completing content?
FOMO is unhealthy
Do you feel like you are missing out?
no im glad i quit tbh