Let’s have the most impactful bugfixes pushed to the PTR. Some specs are hard to test and give good feedback on.
It’s been more than a week since the last build
Let’s have the most impactful bugfixes pushed to the PTR. Some specs are hard to test and give good feedback on.
It’s been more than a week since the last build
Even approximate timelines would be useful. I agree with OP, you get to a point on PTR where you’ve encountered x number of bugs and now there’s nothing left to really look at because everything is too broken to get a solid read on. Need to iterate forward a stage with fixed/changed stuff and answered questions in order to give more feedback.
I’d say tomorrow. They had a big day yesterday launching Plunderstorm.
Usually both PTR and beta builds alike are pushed on Thursdays, sometimes Wednesdays and they go down sometime on Wednesday. PTR went down when I was on like an hour or two ago so we should prob be getting one either tonight or tomorrow.
I guess DHs and Warlocks are done with changes? Every other class is listed in the latest development notes.
(and yes, I know BrM was left off the Monk section again, sorry guys!)
Man we are likely 1 1/2 months away from the release, early March is what was mentioned in the ion interview. These are the second patch notes from this PTR cycle, how are you coming to the conclusion that they are done with those classes when we will have 5-6 more ptr builds coming at the very least. You could be right of course but…not seeing your class or spec in the patch notes this early does not mean that
I would be shocked if they are done with PTR build iterations or changes to classes and tier sets. Truly if they let this basically launch in March like this…lol.
Just have to be patient and see what changes happen in the next few PTR builds.
The later the class(es) appear in the patch notes, the less iterations we get on those changes.
Its easy to say “oh its early, you have time” but the launch date for 11.1 is already fixed (even if they haven’t told us yet) and every week that goes by without changes to some classes, the worse off those players will be.
I don’t disagree, I’m not saying “just wait it’s fine” I hate that kind of mentality, always give feedback as early as possible of course. What I am saying is they still have many builds to go through and your class could have a ton of changes in the next one for example that weren’t ready for this one, it doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t see changes to DH. That’s all, just that not seeing notes in the first week or two does not mean you won’t see them at all. Probably depends how much work dh needs. There honestly weren’t that many class changes in these notes to begin with, hunters got the most iirc and that’s really it, not sure if they just weren’t ready to release more changes or what.
And you are right about wanting changes early since it gives more time to iterate of course. Blizz has trouble with their beta and ptr cycles, I wish they’d give themselves more time to react to feedback because we finally have devs that are listening and implementing feedback but how can they get to everything in 2 or so months of a ptr right?
And same for beta, TWW beta was just a few months and they had a ton of work to do still towards the end with hero trees and classes in general, we’re still seeing reworks/updates for entire hero trees and specs and they did a bunch of that throughout beta too. I imagine players would cry if beta or ptr took longer, would see a lot of threads about being “bored” like we used to, so now we have rushed PTRs and betas. Sometimes they just won’t get to stuff, and if that’s unacceptable then provide that feedback, but people complained when they took their time too.