
Been playing for 20 years and in all that time, every single time there’s a new quest/zone/whatever, there are never, ever, ever enough of the “kill x mobs” in the area.

Today’s version has us hunting for the (apparently) ultra-rare Arcane Dust with 1000 of our closest friends. I’m sorry, I meant enemies, who one-shot the mobs before I can even target them.

I know this game used to scale number of mobs to player pop, but I swear that hasn’t worked in several expansions.

Anyway, back to not progressing on this main story-line quest. Woot.


You could wait an hour or two and endure less frustration.
It’s an achievement and a title, and neither are limited-time.

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yeah…they’re definitely struggling
with getting spawn rates appropriate.

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not every has all day to play.

I’m at work right now. I understand the “don’t have all day to play” thing.
Apparently the OP has more time to play than I do.

This is just my whiny post, it really wasn’t a huge deal. Just had to play whack-a-mole with others for about 15 minutes. Like I said, I swear they fixed this in an early expansion because people complained, but then they did sharding and stuff and maybe they thought “job done” and removed the other fix. So like, maybe shards allow so many people now that we’re back to square one with mobs?

I dunno, I just find it an odd thing that they never fix. Kinda’ like when they put new quest mobs in areas that can be griefed by mounts, etc. Really makes you wonder if all the “They don’t play their own game” posts are true. Because as players, it would affect them too. Unless they don’t play.


I decided to pretend it was an intentional nod to the old days when we often had botlenecks in quest chains where people were competing over tags and just work it into the mood of the quest.

Your class is the king of tagging ,though. I guess you could be complaining about another characters struggle. :smile:

Okay I’ll take back my original complaint and morph it into a new one where I can’t proceed the main quest because of a bugged portal.

I’m gonna go take a nap. That usually fixes things.