Never Stop Complaining

Because we also want to give positive feedback as we want more of this sooner next time. Why shouldn’t we celebrate and be thankful?

Except Blizz isn’t getting a pat on the back here, the players are. You have issues, it seems.

People are praising Blizzard… if that isn’t a pat on the back then you are disillusioned

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Well, I’ll chalk this one up to them saying to themselves “Hey, how do we design a system where they pay a currency in content they are doing NOW to unlock these across all their characters?”

I’m sure that’s not something you just whip up overnight.


catch-up mechanics for alts towards the end of an expansion?

UNHEARD OF!!! :joy:


i honestly doubt thats really what this is all about

Ok, so go whine about that in those threads. At the point you made that post, no one here had said anything positive about Blizz other than “meeting halfway” with hesitation. You’re the one talking about praising Blizz. There are threads about that. Your issues are so blinding that you can’t even see that wasn’t here.

Go look elsewhere smart-guy. Literally the whole internet that plays WoW is praising them and figuratively patting them on the back for listening.

Wakening Essences says hello.


there has been quite a bit of feedback for quite a while. i’d say the real reason they are finally doing something about it has to do with how many people have left this dumpster fire.


It’s more like a skip than it is account wide.


Exactly… hard to ignore this. And I feel as if half the people at least reading the ‘‘news’’ of this upcoming change will think it’s free for whatever reason and not have to grind another currency :rofl:

No, are words hard for you? As I said. Go whine about it in those threads. Again, your issues are so epically overblown that you cannot even fathom the words people are saying to you. I literally am not talking about “the whole internet”. You started whining and crying and moaning about a thing on this thread that hadn’t even happened. Again, yet again, go whine about it there. I don’t need your tears.

Nothing derails and 404s a thread faster than the OP fighting with people with different opinions, OP.

SO glad they added something people have been begging for the entire expansion only after all the content in the expansion has been cleared.

Doing it now is just throwing people a bone so they can say they “listen.” I’m sure plenty of people are happy to have them now still, but it’s too late for them to deserve anything but “good lord it took long enough…”

You really are bad at trolling.
Dude. Go ready the comments, not what YOU want to see.
And for a person that replies to me about an over blown issue riled with inaccuracies, you sure as hell make me laugh telling me to go whine about it somewhere else.

Reading comprehension seems to be hard for you when you seemingly understand you have no argument to begin with. Don’t reply to someone if you’re just going to resort to name calling and stick your head in the sand.

Except it has nothing to do with different opinions, it’s factually unrelated. I’m not even disagreeing. There are people, elsewhere, praising Blizzard. I did not do that in this thread, nor had ANYONE at the time dude starting leaking out of his eyeballs about it. There are several threads near the top if someone wants to go complain about people praising Blizz. I’m talking about praising players. Unless, I guess the players work for Blizz… the it gets complicated.

Oh, someone actually thinks that it wasn’t Blizzard’s gameplan to make Essences accessible by the end of the expansion? Like they did in Legion, with Legendaries?
Blizzard has a set bag of tricks, and the sooner you notice them, the less impressive everything they do is overall.


Yes, yes, I said you’re bad at words so now you say reading comprehension, thanks for unique and creative responses. Also, I have no argument. There isn’t an argument being made. You are whining. An argument, in this context, requires us to have differing opinions. We don’t. I’m not praising Blizz. You’re whining about people praising Blizz. It would be like if I was eating a burger and you run in yelling at me for eating a gross fish sandwich. There are people elsewhere eating fish. It makes more sense to discuss it there.

Exactly… you just do a slow clap… and tell 'em to continue as usual. There is no ‘‘we did this’’ moment. Sorry to say. It’s literally them playing 4D chess to gain praise… not meet halfway… to literally just do the same thing they usually do.

i thought people wanted account wide essences. this is not that. this is yet another grind, and we haven’t seen the prices.

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