Yes, she does.
Jaina is prolly currently calling a dragon for booty calls…
To say that lady is particular would be… Disingenuous.
To the topic at hand, though, I always thought that the half elves(human and thalassian) being the only ones ever represented in game was kinda odd. I guess Rexxar was an exception, but not really thinking of others that haven’t already been mentioned.
Realistically, there should probably be a fair prevalence, story wise, for a fair amount of dwarf-gnomes. Moreso than any other race combination, really…; relative stature, culture, Titanic Origins, etc, not to mention their Capitols are literally like a mile apart lol.
Human-dwarfs, orc-trolls, and maaaaaaaaaybe Nelf-trolls might be interesting characters to add for flavor, too.
prefer to get packed by an orc over a human any day.
Now you’re speaking my language.
leans in and wiggles toes
Taz’Dingo! big grin
Elforc. Half elf, half orc.
Trolls romancing is how elves began in the first place.
Go get em’ red.
wiggles toes
That face when you have write post number 70.
Still, if I don’t get the slap guitar ready for this threads OST, who will?
The weird thing is. Garona being half draenei in the game universe is a retcon. She was originally half human half orc in WC1. That was changed in the Med’an comics when they introduced Maraad for the first time (outside of the TBC launch cinematic). Making him Garona’s uncle retroactively.
Well, I say this. Pair a human and gnome you might have something there or better yet Iron dwarf. Both should make something fun. The first one is a hobbit and the second drwafling.
Who knows if they will ever introduce warcraft 2 movie and do that.
You are a sick, sick elf.
wiggles toes
I want to know what dental plan Malfurion has. 10,000 of sleeping and not a bit of tartar
Flattery will get you nowhere.
I heard Tyrande brushes his teeth while he sleeps.
eyeballs pillow and wiggles toes