Never pair a human with an orc

Let me guess. Me’dan.

Also on a side-note I find how similar our guild names are to be awesome XD (This character’s last name is Ravenheart and RP-wise she founded the Ravenheart Accord with other like-minded people from the Horde and Alliance who were tired of the faction war BS when things out there literally want to destroy the planet).

Taretha is rolling over in her grave.

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OP speaks from experience, his mother is quite the spectacle.

Fools! the best romance is humans and dreanei!!!


/dreanei hoof stomp on troll feet!

Dats hawt.

Haha! I was thinking the same thing!!

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i prefer elves and trolls too


The human and Elf Subjects do [redacted] on the [redacted] when paired alone together in a room with [redacted].

Both literally and metaphorically if the guest chambers is any indicator…

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But she’s half Draenei.


How about a worgen and tauren?
flexes toes

What about Jaina and Thrall?

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But garona is not half human. lol

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How can one resist?!


I’m vanilla and the goblin/gnome couple destroyed me.


Though I do have a soft spot for cross faction pairs. And scary monster girls and their sweet significant other.

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That would be… something. The Worgen curse, unless retconned, is only passed on through biting so Gilnean children are born as normal humans and not hairy puppies.

So you’d either get an extra furry Tauren with fangs and five fingers on their hands or a tall, hairy human with cow horns from the relationship.

In the game yes, in the movie she’s half human!

I might have to rewatch it then. xD

Cause I swear the film is where I learned that. But that was also 5 years ago and I can’t even remember what I ate yesterday.

Or, you know…do pair a human with an orc…

Yea I think it was Medivh implied that he was her father. Consider it alternate universe stuff like the marvel franchise does with there movies.