Never have I cared less

I mean, WC3 IS the new Orc/Horde story. The Alliance experience in WC3 is largely just one of disappointment. I remember feeling that way during initial release, and reforged does a good job of reminding me of that.

Not that, in the greater context of WoW, that’s a terrible thing. It gave good nuance and motivations for the setting. That said, creeping up on 20 years on? “but the “monsters” were the good guys” isn’t turning anything on its head, not anymore. The Horde needs better themes.

The Horde doesn’t need redemption arcs either. Cripes, the Horde is running out of NPCs to create the need for it, and the Alliance is running out of targets for the latest atrocity.

Briefly, because I can word vomit on the topic- Daelin’s actions were entirely logical (genocidal demon worshiping murder machines that came out of a hole in reality are bad), right up until he willfully ignored significant evidence to the contrary from what should have been a very reliable source (Jaina.)


Yes and no. You can introduce new fresh faces, sure, but it’s not like we don’t have an overwhelming stock of fantastic characters already in the universe that Blizzard is actively ignoring. All those heroes from every previous expansion that were in the background and just not heavily utilized.

Having fresh new faces from time to time in the background is great, but I think that pulling things out of their butts when they don’t need to is weak. Especially when they ram it down our throats from the get-go, like Zekhan.


My thoughts on the synopsis I read.

Talanji is a character I like, I’m happy for her to get more screen time that also develops directly out of the Rastakhan/Bwonsamdi plot from BfA.

Zekhan is a character who seems like he’s unimpressive by design. But I try to think about how happy I was to see a random troll shaman down Genn Greymane in BfA’s original trailer, and part of my still wants to give him a chance. So I’m going to tell myself, for the sake of how optimistic I was at the start of BfA, that it’s worthwhile to see who Zekhan is when he’s not a spectator in Saurfang’s story.

I’m glad to see that Sira Moonwarden will be in as a Sylvanas loyalist. I don’t think we’ll get an explanation that makes everyone happy, but if we get one that at least makes sense and establishes some nuance to Night Elf culture then I’ll be happy.

I worry that Bwonsamdi gonna die, I like that guy. I know on the face it seems ridiculous but Sylvanas is the villain with buzz and they’re going to need a show of her individual power.

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I have hopes that Talanji dies in the book, I mean i highly doubt it but please.

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ok out of the pre-expansion novels, i’m pretty sure the only one we consider good as a whole was Illidan, which doesn’t quite fit the billl.

To be honest I’d very much prefer if we got something like we had in Warlords to build hype, free short videos made to show the societies and history of the shadowlands, would be far better then “Sylvanas want’s to kill Bwonsamedi so Talanji get’s help from a no name shaman and Alleria is there doing something i guess”.

At least they confirmed Rokhan was Chieftan, so now we are only at 2 of the horde races being completely leaderless.


Do you realize the examples you gave has a lot of spotlight in the game itself? Khadgar 2 expansions in a row and Bolvar had a nice role during Wotlk and likely SL will make him the alliance guide.

I like this approach of taking of a secondary character and develop it to take the role later one once his archetype has been establish and Trolls need a lot of development because Vol’jin, Rastakhan, Zul and Zul’jin are gone and we need new characters to fill the cast.


Sure, why not?

Seriously the only correct way to regard any Blizzard product right now is with skepticism. But nothing about that idea rubs me the wrong way. I was kinda annoyed Talanji fell off the story map after 8.2. The Zandalari are fascinating and their Queen’s a pretty good character to expand their role in the narrative with.

As for Zenkan - again - why not? I like when the story goes back down to the perspective of commoners. Zenkan is just some Darkspear Shaman - not different from the countless I sent to their death on the mission table in a way I’m aware of. I’m up for a fantastical story featuring a Queen that has a frog kaiju god on speed dial having a (for the setting) more grounded, just some guy on the street perspective.


No they didn’t. The Warsongs were acting somewhat out of Thralls control, and sadly was a consequence of game play mechanics from Blizzard to keep the two factions as diametrically opposed with PvP. This ended up somewhat forcing them to create conflict between the Night Elves and Orcs on the border again, because they put these races on opposite factions. The Orcs as a whole are still pretty noble in Classic.

One of his biggest fans on this forum basically has the same view that he is an “Edgelord Elf”, and that’s why he likes the character. Sorry, a character that’s all in it for the killing, with some bizarre one off line about how bad the Night Elves treated his people, and then immediately gladly being raised into Undeath after he dies is edgy. It just is.

If you don’t expect an honest opinion you shouldn’t be engaging me then. My “trashing” of Vol’jin came from a position of Troll partisanship. I stated in a thread of mine before I have come to a position of putting trolls first.

No, it isn’t dishonest. She has been a common reoccurring face of them since what, WoD? She is also one of the Paladin heroes in Hearthstone. It’s not exaggeration at all to say Lady Liadrin is a representative of Blood Elves in this franchise.

Seeing as you can’t argue with someone with out consistently belittling them, you should heed your own advice.


Most of what I’m seeing here is people that don’t like to read books complaining about a new WoW book coming out that they weren’t even planning on reading in the first place. Either stop complaining, or actually take the time to learn about the lore you clearly don’t understand.


Because there are far more than enough characters already in existence who have been awaiting use in the narrative for over a decade now, that the writers have seemingly forgotten about.

Would you believe it if I told you that both the niece of Saurfang and the son of Kilrogg are characters that actually exist?!

What happened to the Taunka of Northrend?! The Dragonmaw that joined in Cataclysm?!

The Horde has a plethora of characters they could develop rather than pursuing development upon any of the rubbish that’s come from BfA.

Literally a level 28 troll shaman is the face of the “new Horde”, that’s not something worth celebrating.

Cuz we already have far better candidates that have literally existed for over a decade that the writers lack the creativity and mental capacity to use.

Just a reminder that one of the few living relatives of an OG Horde Chieftan has literally been forgotten on Outland for years. While Garrosh went on to drive the Horde story for 3 expansions, Jorin Deadeye has just been sitting in Garadar forgotten to time.


Characters don’t grow in game. Story moments are sparse ten minute romps per patch.


This hatred of Zekhan is losing me Pyro… My only critique is he’s not teamed up with Bannerbae or whatever y’all callin her.


That is though.

That shows Blizz listens sometimes.

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you guys dont even have c tier characters

Do you trust the writers to focus on his character development in game? After playing through BfA?


“Not caring” and “being upset” are different. Sounds like you care a great deal, negatively, but still a great deal.

Well spoiler;


Bwonsamdi survives

. How do I know? Because devs mentioned “a certain someone from BfA” and The Other Side is a dungeon in Shadowlands.

Cuz he’s not interesting!!

Literally what does he offer? He’s basically just a rehash of Zuni from the Troll starting area.

Like, I honestly don’t know what else to say, Spud. In a universe where characters like Thura and Jorin Deadeye continue to exist and have been blatantly ignored since their introduction, I’m reasonably pretty peeved after years of voicing my desire to see these characters be developed(and I’m certain I’m not the only one) only to have them supplanted by a literal meme character.

Horde needs a roster of accomplished heroes, not wide-eye dreamers like Zappyboi.


He offers us the new generation of the Horde or whatever. The youngins’ up and coming, that don’t remember all the old wars, only Azeroth as it is now. It would be great for him to be a duo with that “bannerbae”, who would be like a cynical zombae in contrast to zekhans upbeat attitude.

I do with you agree tho they should give more time to people like Rokhan who go back to WC3.


The Horde needs like four books to get it’s trashed roster back into alignment with the Alliance. Several races have next to no known representatives.

Then for the Alliance, the problem is they have a multitude of characters, but they’re all slowly getting possessed by the haunting spectre of Anduin’s noble-bright feelsies. Those with any spine, are then stamped with the “Probably a bad person, or misguided” stamp.

The Alliance needs a book that proves that the Alliance can think and act outside of Anduin’s hugbox.


Instead of Zekhan why not develop the Forsaken woman with the banner that people really liked and have her be a main character in the book? :thinking: