You might want to clear that up with the grognards on the Dev team who insist that it isn’t.
You’re the one who posited that something in this thread was indicative of the reason for it. I was saying “uh, no.”
If you say so, theres many times in this very forums I have seen it, horde players dont want to change even when they say they do I dunno how many times I had a argument with drotie about how they wanted the horde to be heroic, but at the same time they didnt want to give up all the things that made them evil.
I unfortunately have no access to the Dev team. Nobody here does. It would also matter little if we did.
This is an impermeable statement. I don’t want to lose Warchief, for instance, but I don’t want the Horde to act like villains when they were introduced (excepting forsaken) as heroes.
Having a Warchief does not mean we are going to be evil. Thrall proved that unequivocally.
I suggest you do, because that isn’t changing without a massive overhaul to the games infrastructure.
Plus, I’ve grown quite attached to my foxy grandaddy elf with a thirsty at Thalysra looking for some action.
Seriously, how can you not like Lor’themar?! He’s more honorable than 90% Orcs in this expansion.
well it does when its sylvanas
You’ll get no argument from me that Sylvanas is and was always a villain.
that said I would say the only good warchief was voljin, thrall just plainly couldnt control the horde from doing bad things.
I mean the Horde under Thrall was being completely rebuilt, so of course there were things that happened outside of his control.
just saying he could have actually punished the warsong from antagonizing the alliance
I don’t particularly have a problem with Lor’themar as a character. My problems mostly lie within the fact that the Horde is suppose to be supposedly diverse and it’s hardly represented in game. I join a battleground and I’m the only Orc with 7 Blood Elf female Paladins in flower crowns, a vulpera and a Nightborne. This is the great mighty Horde? This is victory or death? This is strength and honor? The Horde is hardly recognizable anymore.
The bottom line to me is the Horde had to steal Alliance aesthetics and add them to the Horde in order to artificially boost the population of the Horde. You could add Blood Elves to the Alliance and it would fit. You can’t add Orcs to the Alliance and make it fit. There is a fundamental difference.
He’s awesome. Should’ve been Warchief before Vol’jin.
Wow, easy there cowboy!! I mean Lor is cool but Vol´jin was more deserving at the time. He was rebellion done right.
Cause that worked SO well for the Orcs and Forsaken and the Goblins…
Belves are more than Liadrin and have a character roster that goes above her, thank God (though I aknowledge devs tended to use her and her awful one-dimensional “muh light!!” excesivelly from WoDe to Legion). Rommath is incredible any time he appears, Lorthemar is great and no at all a good little two shoes Legolas rippoff (I mean we´re dealing here with someone with the guts to make political choices in favor of his people regardless of the moral background) and frankly as a rogue main player, Lorash is easily the best written rogue chartacter I´ve ever seen in this game. Guy acted like a freaking rogue player, he was amoral but no lololo-villain (a true mercenary, as a rogue should be… not the sorry kiddie spy version that pollutes SI:7 not the female victim with 0 blame that are both Garona or Valeera).
To say Belves are only Liadrin is to say Orcs are only Garrosh, no more and no less (though poor Orcs did get the short end of the stick thanks to WoD).
Sure, cause here we devote ourselves to making threads about flying or trolling other players´gameplay choices and so on…
It´s not the emotional aspect of the people (fyi the combative bitter types are all around THE INTERNET. Congratulations, you will find them EVERYWHERE.); it´s how you put the arguments. And if your argument is that you log onto a BG and see too much Belves for your taste, then I´m sorry but this is IRRELEVANT in regards to lore. Don´t like it? faction change, period.
/looks at the Nelves
Suuure, man. Continue telling yourself this.
I did say “if”. I never said you have actually qqed like the siamese GD troll pair with a perchant to pass gameplay inconveniences (and worse, inconveniences as the result of OTHER PEOPLE´S CHOICES REGARDING THEIR OWN F TASTES ON THEIR OWN PAID GAME FFS) as “lore”.
It´s been a while Pyro, like 6 months give or take. If you´re not a “muh muster Hurde exclusive!!” bufoon, why woiuld people harras you?
I was so salty when the spa choice was removed…
No problem ^^, I can relate after all…
I´m sorry you can´t make people play the way you want to and choose the avatars you want to see around you. Cause fun fact: most NPC (as in the actual in-game representation of the lore)? Orcs, Orcs everywhere!!!
So you´re mad Blizz designed a way to get people playing with you on Horde… classy. Intellectually questionable, but classy I guess.
An advice: only after you pay for people´s account subs can you demand others to play thye way you prefer. Until them, live and let live… ok boomer?
Dear, there´s a difference between changing 2 words with him and sharing like 2 missions on an already controversial quest chain and actually developing entire zones of questing with them (Nazgrim we found since WotLK, and again on Vashjir and how about the whole freaking Pandaria!! Lor´themar was mandatory for the whole of 5.2, and appeared A LOT in 5.1).
They literally did that with zekhan, you a sylvanas loyalist or something or did you forget there was a other choice
Well…I wouldn’t go that far…
But most certainly before Sylvanas.
Lost me there, my sister’s been inactive a very long time but the only response she had from this announcement was “they burned my tree!”
Seems they were actively going against players’ good will unless they were specifically Undead or Horde supremacist players.
Blizzard recently hired some psychologists. I think they were going off the idea that people on twitter who complain about persecution tend to get tons of followers. So, would burning Teldrassil and thus making the Alliance feel persecuted rally up enough fan fervor to power the game?
No, I mean they were taking the generally positive reception of Legion and taking a huge stinkin’ crap all over it.
Oh dear, there’s your problem, west coast psychology seems more like politically motivated pseudoscience than a field of rigor.