The 41 likes on my original post and the 400+ responses to my thread(including your own) says otherwise, my necro’ing friend.
Money better spent on toiler paper.
Not really take a look at the new thread, people are exited about the book. Your silly rant is just that.
She has three left, unless one was burned necro’ing this thread…
Well you never know what can happen with necromancy.
The 41 likes on my original post and the 400+ responses to my thread(including your own) says otherwise, my necro’ing friend.
When I saw this:
Good for you. No one cares.
I thought of posting something along the lines of:
“You necro’d a 5 month old thread to mention no one cares? There is a level of caring in your necro…”
but I was not sure if 5 months is exactly a necro or not. Either way, bumping a 5 month old post to say no one cares is a bit… odd.
TBH It’s my fault for linking it in another thread. I should’ve expect that people wouldn’t check on date and could possibly necro stuff.