[Neutral-RP] Silver Snow Ball

Invitations written in silver ink have been posted overnight.

'All are welcome to attend the Winter Ball hosted by E’nyssea Pan’tomath. We Highborne invite you to frolic and taste our ancient cuisine. The only suggestion we ask is that you wear cool tones to compliment the nightly flooring and midnight skies.

Spend the night revelling with us in the snow just as the Highborne did in days past. Enjoy fine drinks, music, and entertainment throughout the festivities. Hosted in Starfall Village, Winterspring. Come enjoy a winter wonderland among the ancients!’

Date: December 29th
Time: 5pm - 10pm (CT)
Location: Starfall Village, Winterspring
Dress: Winter Formal

Agenda for the Evening:

5pm - 5:30pm - Opening ceremony

5:30pm - 7:30pm - Winter Market, Games & more!

7:30pm - 8:30pm - Entertainment & Announcements

8:30pm - 10pm - Final Celebration!

Our winter market will run promptly from 5:30pm to 7:30pm server time! The theme for the market is winter - of course - and is exclusive to the seasonal theme. Interested in setting up a booth and selling your wares? Sign up below!

Booth Slots:

  1. Cutting Edge

  2. The Shanari

  3. Bear Essentials

  4. Reforged

Questions or concerns? Reach me in-game via mail or whisper @ Enyssea

EDIT: Thank you all for a successful event! I had a wonderful time and I hope everyone else did as well. I look forward to hosting more events in the near future. A warm thank you to those who worked and helped in making the Silver Snow Ball run so smoothly. :slight_smile:


This sounds like fun! We’ll do our best to attend.

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Thank you for hosting such a lovely soiree last night. We truly enjoyed ourselves! The hospitality and grace of the Highborne is to be admired.

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Thank you for this lovely event. It really gave my character something to think about. Illidari Lucias and Evenna were crucial to Ash having a paradigm shift, so thank you again.

Here are a few screens I took https:// imgur. com/a/QNkkmWf


Thank you for attending!! You two looked absolutely dapper and I LOVE the screenshots! I was so busy I had completely forgotten to take my own. Hopefully we will see you again in the near future!! :slight_smile: :heart:

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